I have 19 cats. I did not set out to have 19 cats, but it happened, and I wouldn’t change it.
I work hard so my cats can have a better life.
Dry food is not good at all. Dry food is the root of most health-related issues in cats. Cats are obligate carnivores and should be fed a species appropriate, balanced raw diet. If nothing else, they should at least be fed a moisture rich food.
There is always an underlying issue when a cat uses the bathroom outside of their litter box. Cats are not revenge seeking individuals. Check out my article about “Inappropriate Litter Box Habits“.
Cats need to have a sturdy scratching post. They need to feel secure while scratching. Some cats like to scratch horizontally, while others prefer vertical scratching posts. Scratching is not only a way for them to trim their claws, but also a way to mark their territory. Provide your babies with an appropriate and sturdy way for them to achieve this.
Yay!!! You are taking to the first step to improve your cat’s quality of life. A slow transition is usually required for most cats. Some cats transition faster than others. Emmet was I’ve had cats eating full raw within a couple of weeks, while others took a couple of months to fully transition. Patience is the key. Check out “Transitioning to a Raw Diet” (coming soon)for more information.
I must give my husband mad props here. He did not know the extent of my Dedicated Feline Enthusiast ways until after we were married. When we met, I had 1 cat. He also had a cat. That number has greatly increased over the years. I wouldn’t call him a Crazy Cat Dad. He is more like a Tolerant Cat Dad. I try hard to take on the brunt of the care of our cats myself. Don’t get me wrong, he loves them and interacts and plays with them, but he is not as passionate about them as I am. Most of the time, he does look at me as if I am crazy, but he just goes along with it and never complains. Got me a good man!!!
I learned long ago to never say never. I am not actively looking for another cat. However, I do foster when I can and I volunteer monthly with a low/cost Spay/Neuter program, so I am exposed to cats in need frequently. I may come across one that I know without a doubt needs to be a part of my clowder.