How do our cats show us their love? With the exception of meowing, cats cannot verbally say “I love you”. Our beloved furbabies will express their love in other ways. And while we may not always appreciate their forms of expression, it does make us feel special when they take the time out of their busy day of eating, sleeping and grooming to acknowledge our existence. Here are 5 ways that your cat may show you that they do, actually, love you.
“What greater gift than the love of a cat?”
– Unknown
1. Purring
The act of purring is a sure sign that your cat does, in fact, love you. There are other reasons why your cat may purr, but the number one reason is love. Your cat feels safe and loved by you and will purr in reciprocation. Purring is very calming and one of the greatest gifts given to us by our cats. Scientists believe that purring starts with the release of endorphins and actually, has health benefits for you. The vibration of purrs from your cat are said to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks in cat owners. Hemingway’s purr is so loud, he sounds like a little motor running. Bodie will sometimes purr so hard, my husband can almost feel it while sitting near me.

2. Kneading
Kneading. Biscuit making. Playing piano. Kitty acupuncture. Whatever you call it, when you cat uses their paws to push in and out on you, they are expressing their love for you. Some say that this act is carried over from kittenhood when a kitten would knead their moms during nursing. It is a sign of comfort, trust, and, most importantly, love. So, when you kitty is kneading you with their tiny murder mittens, remember that love hurts. I constantly have little puncture marks from my cat’s love.
3. Head butting and rubbing
Head butting and rubbing is another way your cat may choose to show their love. When a cat head butts or rubs their face against you, they are “marking” you. Cats have scent glands along their whiskers that they use to spread their scent and claim what it theirs. So, when your cats rub against you, they are staking their claim. You are theirs. Emmet and Bodie are big into head butting and face rubbing. Bodie will knock my glasses off while staking his claim. Emmet will rub against me the entire time I am preparing his food. He loves his food and being that I am the one who feeds him, he loves me.
4. Staring and Slow Blinks
Have you ever been sitting on the couch, watching TV and you feel like someone is watching you? You look up and see your cat staring at you. Not just looking, but intently staring at you. Right into your soul. Once you make eye contact, your cat gives you a slow blink. Your cat just told you that they love you. A slow blink is huge to receive from a cat. Cats will slow blink when they are happy and content. They truly love you and want you to know. I give my cats slow blinks all the time. Sometimes, I get rejected and they turn away. Most of the time, I get a slow blink back.

5. They Bring You Gifts
This is probably the least appreciated form of demonstration of love for most cat parents. Especially if you have a cat that goes outdoors, and the gift is a still alive mouse. There have been stories of cats bringing their owners leaves, flowers or other things from around the neighborhood. If you cat is strictly indoors, this act of gift giving will come in the form of their favorite toy.
Emmet’s favorite toy is a wool ball. Every morning, I find the ball beside me in bed. It is not there when I go to bed, nor is it even in the bedroom. It is Emmet’s way of showing his love for me when I wake up. Sometimes, I will find a toy in my shoes that I plan to wear that day. Whenever your cat brings you a gift, remember to thank them. It is the polite thing to do.

There are many other ways that your cat may express their love for you. Paying attention to your cat will clue you in to these ways. People tend to say that cats are not as loving as dogs. That is definitely not true. Cats just demonstrate their love in less obvious ways, but if you are in tuned to your cat these ways will become apparent. Be sure to reciprocate and appreciate their love. We definitely don’t want them to feel rejected. Jackson Galaxy has a great video on 5 Ways to Show Your Cat You Love Them.