Zazzles is one of the original Kracken Kitties until last October when he was moved to Resident Cat status after he developed severe anemia and we thought he wasn’t going to make it. When he was a Kracken Kitty, a bond developed between us. He would follow me around. Always wanting to be on my lap and get snuggles. He was like a little puppy cat. Once he moved upstairs permanently, the bond between us grew stronger and deeper. I know all of my cats love me, but this feels different. This is a Razzle Zazzles kind of love.
Soul Cat
Soul Cat is a term used for cats that have a special connection to the humans. They have this intuitive nature about them that seems to know exactly what their human needs and when they need it. It is a very special relationship. I was very lucky to have this kind of relationship with my Monti Boi. We had a very deep connection. A bond that was broken too soon when he crossed over at the young age of 4. However, I still feel his presence guiding me every day. Having one soul cat in your life is amazing. However, I believe that you can have more than one soul cat in your life.

Thinking back, I realize now that I had another soul cat before Monti. He was my Jinxi Cat. Jinx had a very special way of being there for me right when I needed him. He was with me through so many life changes. Always there with soft fur to soak up my tears and purrs to heal my heart. He loved to play hide and seek. When he knew that I needed some joy and playfulness in my life, he would hide somewhere and meow until I went looking for him. He would, then, jump out at me and take off running. It was then my turn to hide and for him to find me. This always happened when I needed to lighten up and have some fun.
Soul Cat Zazzles
As I said before, from the time the time that Zazzles was a kitten, there was a special connection between us. At the time, I really didn’t know much about soul cats. I just thought that Zazzles was a super sweet and loving kitten. I didn’t really make the connection about Zazzles being my soul cat until he moved up to Resident Cat status. And even then, I thought he was just being super loving because he was scared and not feeling well. Over the past months, I have come to realize that his love was something more. Something greater and deeper.

Zazzles still is like a puppy cat. He follows me around. Loves to have snuggles. He will stretch up my legs, wanting me to pick him up and give him some snugs. We have daily conversations where he will meow in response to my words. All not so unusual from normal cat behavior. It is at night that our relationship goes above “normal” cat behavior. Every night, and I mean every night, Zazzles follows me around as I get ready for bed. He then jumps into bed and gets up in the corner, near my head. We have some time of pets and cuddles. During this time, as I am petting Zazzles, I start to feel my heart space open. A sense of peace fills me. Zazzles is always right where I need him, right when I need him the most.
A Different Kind of Love
All of my cats love me. And they all show their love in different ways. Some show their love with “drive-by” cuddles. Others will sleep at my feet or against my legs. And, although, Zazzles is not the only cat who sleeps with me at night. He is the only one who sleeps right at my head. The only one who will put his paw in my hand. I can literally feel the love emanating off of him. A healing kind of love. Zazzles is my current soul cat. He gets me and my moods. Sometimes he even mirrors my mood, causing me to check my energy. He provides me with unconditional love. A special kind of love. A Razzle Zazzles kind of love.

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” – Jules Verne