I have always known just how special cats are. How they have a purpose and reason for being in our lives. Sometimes that reason is to just provide love and joy, other times, it is to teach us a lesson. Whatever the reason, they are special. Sadly, with all of the hustle and bustle of daily life, I believe that we forget just how special our cats are. After attending Naturally Cats’ Naturally Cats Conference this past weekend, I was quickly reminded that our cats are gifts. Gifts that are always working to keep US happy and healthy.
Furry Healers
I firmly believe that our cats have the ability to heal us. Through the energetic frequency of the purrs and their ability to transmute energy. Over the past year, I have been understanding how much deeper their ability to heal actually is. So, I was really excited for The Energetics of Feline Frequencies presentation by Dr. Barrie Sands. I was ready to learn more about how energy works with and within my cats.
Cactus making sure I learn about her energetic frequencies.
It is amazing to think about energy and how EVERYTHING is comprised of energy. Not only that, but the energy has a frequency. It is that frequency that can affect us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Energetic frequencies can lift our mood and heal us. That is where the power of the purr comes into play. The energetic frequency of the purr can range from 20-140 hz. This frequency can lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and heal wounds and bones. Absolutely AMEOWZING!!!!
Lily is raising my frequency as I write this article.
But their energetic frequencies can do so much more. Our furry little companions can transmute energies. They will absorb any negative energies that we pick up and keep our positive energies flowing. Because our cats will absorb negative energies, we need to pay attention to the energies that we hold space for. Being mindful of our own energies will help keep our cat’s energetic frequencies where they need to be. Giving them a way to remove any excess energies that may be lingering in crucial in keeping our cats happy and healthy while they are working to keep US happy and healthy.
We Don’t Deserve Cats
After learning about the amazing ways that our cats work diligently to help keep are energetic frequencies in top working order, I have come to the conclusion that we don’t deserve cats. They do and provide so much for us daily. It amazes me how something so cute and furry and cuddly is doing so much “behind the scenes” to ensure that I am as happy and healthy as possible. Cats are truly a gift, and I am forever grateful for every single one of mine. So, take a moment and appreciate your cat for all they do for you each day.
Hemingway is my Energy Fairy and always there to help transmute energy for me.
“Our thoughts and our emotions affect our hearts magnetic field and energetically affect those around us and our animals” – Dr. Barrie Sands
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