Back in November of 2022, we discovered a mass in Emmet’s GI tract. Our amazing vet performed a surgical biopsy in hopes of being able to remove the mass. Unfortunately, the mass was in an area that she was unable to remove it. Fortunately, the biopsy showed that the mass was not cancerous. However, it was during all of this that we discovered that Emmet also had a grade 3 heart murmur. Poor guy. If it is not one thing with him, it is something else. For over a year, his heart murmur stayed at a grade 3. Then, it advanced to a grade 4 and we did some blood work. The results showed scary high heart values which prompted an appointment to the cardiologist. It was there that we learned about Emmet’s HCM.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) is a condition where the muscular walls of a cat’s heart thicken. This causes the heart to not work as efficiently as it meant to. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. The cause of HCM is also unknown, although it does show up more in certain cat breeds. Emmet is just your basic domestic shorthair. Not one of the breeds associated with HCM. So, how did my handsome mini panther develop this heart condition?
Emmet always has his crystals at the vets.
Emmet’s HCM could be genetics. Although, I have his mom and siblings and they don’t show any signs of HCM. The other theory is that Emmet has been on some dosage of prednisolone since he was a year old. When he first became sick, we thought he had FIP. Our vet at the time prescribed him prednisolone to help with the inflammation that he was experiencing. Since then, he has been off and on prednisolone in varying dosages. Research has shown that prolonged usage of prednisolone can affect the heart. Because we never checked his heart early on and a heart murmur was never noticed or mentioned, I have no idea if this was something he was born with or if the prednisolone was the cause of his heart condition.
Happy & Healthy
Emmet is such an enigma. Because of his health issues, his makes a trip each month to visit with his friends, also known as his vet, and have everything checked out. And each month, Emmet’s vet is baffled by the cat she sees before her and the cat she sees on paper. He still has the mass, although it is very small and can only be felt because his vet knows where to feel. And yet, he has continued to gain weight. So much that a few months ago, his vet called him fat, and he huffed at her. He did not appreciate being called fat.
Nothing better than a good box.
When we received his blood work results, I was shocked. His numbers were so high that there was a concern about him having a stroke or throwing a blood clot. I was so confused because as the vet was talking to me about our next steps, I was literally watching Emmet running and playing with Lily without any concerns about his heart. It was truly baffling. Even more confused after having his EKG and finding out about Emmet’s HCM. How could a cat who has a heart condition AND a GI mass be so happy and healthy?
Intentions of Health
I asked that question to my vet at our first regular appointment after his cardiologist appointment. Her response was it was me. I was the reason that Emmet was doing so well with all of his health issues. She knows that I feed Emmet a species appropriate raw food diet. He receives daily supplements, including B12. And of course, he has access to whatever crystals, herbs, and hydrosols that he needs to stay happy and healthy. All of those are important and have played a major role in keeping Emmet as healthy as possible. But I take it a step further.
My happy and handsome mini panther.
I choose my words wisely when I talk about and to Emmet. The medications that he has to take are called “feel goods”. As I am giving him in “feel goods” each night, I set the intention that I want for him. He HAS a healthy heart. He HAS a healthy GI tract. He IS happy and healthy. Each night, when Emmet plops down beside me to settle down for the night, I pet him and send him healing. I envision him being encircled in a white light of healing. Most importantly, I check my own energy. I work really hard to not feel anxious or worried about him because I know how connected Emmet is to me and how my energy affects him.
Here For a Long Time
Emmet is only 5 years old. Very young to have so many health issues. I have confidence that he will be around for many more years. I have been learning more about what supplements will be best for him. Offering him crystals, herbs, and hydrosols that promote healthy heart and GI tract. Recently, I have enrolled in a 6-month Holistic Cat Practioner course where I will be learning different energy healing modalities that I can’t wait to practice with him. Emmet is my greatest teacher with so many lessons for me. And his main lesson is for me to follow my gut. Trust my intuition. Listen to what his vets tell me, but don’t take what they say as the end all. I know Emmet better than they do. He will guide me along this journey.
Emmet’s journey is not over.
“If we’re going to have animals around, we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them.? – Bob Ross