February has a couple of anniversaries for me. It has been a year since I, officially, became The Dedicated Feline Enthusiast. It also marks another year of volunteering with Feral Cat Assistance Program for a total of 4 years now. Earlier this year, I wrote about how important it is to find your tribe. Not only for us, but for our cats as well. And, I have definitely found my tribe at FCAP. What makes finding my tribe even better is the amazing work that we are doing each month for the feral cat population. Work that is both absolutely rewarding and heartbreaking at the same time.
One Cat at a Time
A quick Google search on the estimated feral cat population in the U.S. comes up with varying numbers. However, it seems that the numbers are between 32-70 million feral cats living in the U.S.. That is a staggering number. The best way to stop that number from increasing is through TNR and Spay/Neuter Programs like FCAP. Organizations that offer low-cost clinics are crucial to getting a handle on the overpopulation of feral cats.

In 2022, FCAP had a total of 885 cats and kittens come through their low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinic. That is a lot of cat’s lives drastically improved. But it goes even further than just those numbers. If you take into consideration that a pair of cats can produce 1000 offspring in a 4-year period, then by fixing 885 cats, you can essentially prevent 885,000 future cats from being born into this cold, harsh world. That is huge! What we need, though, is more organizations like FCAP and more community involvement. It takes a village.
A Grateful Heart
I am so very grateful for Feral Cat Assistance Program and their dedication to helping feral cats. At least once a month, a small group of passionate volunteers gather to do their part in helping these poor forgotten and overlooked souls. I feel blessed that I have a part in this program. It is emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting, but I always leave with a warm heart and sense of pride in the work that we are doing. If you are interested in making a difference, I urge you to contact your local animal shelter and see what you can do to help. There are so many ways that you can be a part of improving the lives of feral cats. If you live in the Triad area, contact Feral Cat Assistance Program. We are always looking for passionate volunteers.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein