Sadly, we have all been through this. Unfortunately, our babies do not live as long as we would love for them to. When one of our cats cross the rainbow bridge, a piece of our hearts goes with them. The pain that we feel is deep. And it can last for what seems like an eternity. At what point do we stop grieving their absence? The honest answer is probably never. We never truly stop grieving the loss of a beloved cat, but the grief will change and become easier.

Ways to Help with Grieving the Loss of a Cat
While there is no correct way to grieve this loss that you are feeling, there are some ways to help with the process. Grieving the loss of a cat is a process, and we all go through this process differently. In under a year, we had to say goodbye to two of our furbabies. While I uncontrollably cry for days, my husband redirects his grief by staying busy and completing tasks around the house. We are all different and that is ok. You need to process your grief in the way that works for you. Here are a few ways that could help:
- Cry – this is an important one. Crying is cathartic, providing a relief from the strong emotions that you are feeling.
- Surround Yourself with Those Who Understand – the loss you are feeling is real. For most of us, losing a beloved cat is the same as losing a family member. They were an important part of our lives. Being around people who understand and sympathize with this pain will help with dealing with the grief.
- Remember Your Cat – thinking about the good times you had with your baby will help deal with the grief. Look at pictures, hold a memorial, buy a windchime to hang outside. All of these will help keep the loving memories of your cat alive.
- Be Gentle with Yourself – give yourself time to grieve. You have experienced the loss of someone very important to you. Take the time that you need to process this grief. Remember to breathe.
- Read the Rainbow Bridge Poem – reading this poem can be emotional, but also gives you hope that one day you will be reunited with your beloved cat. It is reassuring to think that they are living healthy and carefree, waiting for the time you are reunited.
- Rescue a New Baby – when the time is right, rescue a new cat or two. The best way to memorialize your beloved cat is to give a new cat a good home and life. There are so many cats needing good homes. Opening your home and heart to a new cat will help with your grief.

Your Grief
However, you choose to grieve the loss of your cat, remember it is your grief. No one can tell you how you should grieve or for how long. You had an amazing life with your cat and only you will know how to deal with the loss. It is a process that you will work through on your own time. Losing your beloved cat is hard, but you will get through this in time.

“No one can truly understand the bond we form with the cats we love until they experience the loss of one.” – Unknown