I met Pam Roussell, the “woo woo” master of Purrrfectly Holistic, last year through The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. I use the words “woo woo” because that is exactly what some of you reading this will call it. We lovingly joke with Pam about her “woo woo” abilities. But, in all seriousness, muscle testing works, and it is amazing to witness it working with your cat. Purrrfectly Holistic is one of the holistic websites that you should check out.

What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is an alternative practice to test supplements, cleansing needs, emotional clearing needs, balancing needs, etc. We are all made up of energy. Everything has energy, including our cats. Muscle testing is a tool that taps into that energy providing valuable feedback that we can use to help keep our cats happy and healthy and balanced.
Because energy is universal, we are all connected through the energy flowing through us. We are connected to our cats, our family, even our food. Energy is able to “travel” through a vast energy network that connects everything in the universe. Pretty cool! Because of this energy networking and the fact that energy does not have time and space constraints, Pam is able to perform muscle testing remotely. That’s right, she does not even need to be in the same room as your cat in order to have a muscle testing session. And here is where some of you are thinking that I am crazy and falling for the “woo woo”. Pam has a short video that will help explain muscle testing and how it works.
I am a Believer!
Like I said, I met Pam last year and actually worked with her when my Monti Boi was diagnosed with advanced Chronic Kidney Disease at age 4 last July. He was in bad shape and the vets did not expect him to live past a couple of days. I was not ready to lose my little buddy and instantly tapped into all of my resources. Pam was one of them. I set up a phone consultation with her. We spoke for probably more than an hour that first time. She was so calming and comforting and by the end of the conversation not only did we have a game plan for Monti, but I also had hope that I was going to him around for longer than what the vets predicted.
Pam did muscle testing and reiki on Monti, clearing and balancing him. She provided me with some homeopathic remedies that helped him with things like nausea and lack of appetite. I started using color therapy with him, providing him with a pink blanket and towel for healing and to soothe. Pam continued working with Monti throughout the next month. She was always quick to respond to my frantic text messages about something new that was happening. With Pam’s help, I was able to get a full month longer than what the vets had originally diagnosed. They were absolutely amazed. When the time finally did come for my Monti Boi to cross the Rainbow Bridge, Pam was there for me and him. And for that I will be eternally grateful.

Almost a year later…
Just recently, I needed Pam’s assistance with some major cat drama happening in my house. What once was a house of harmony amongst the cats, has become chaos. A real-life cat soap opera. Within a few hours of my email plea for help, Pam responded. A few email exchanges led to a phone conversation. An hour later, we had a game plan. We were going to focus on 3 of the 6 cats with the intention that once we start to clear the energy with them, the others will start to be at ease and harmony will, once again, be restored.
2 days after our conversation, Pam worked her “woo woo” wonders on Emmet, Bodie and Prudence. She found some very interesting things while working on them. Their sessions and the results are too long to explain here, so expect multi-episodes of the new Cat Soap Opera, “The Anxious and the Agitated”. For now, let me tell you that, once again, I am a believer. Pam was able to uncover what was blocking and stressing the three cats. She then went to work on clearing them. The next morning, she sent me results on each of them with recommendations for me to continue at home. We still have work to do, these issues didn’t start overnight, but we are definitely on the right path. Things have started to turn around here.

Do You Believe?
I hope that I have at least sparked your interest. I am sure that some of you still think that it is no different than “snake oil” and that is fine. I know that it works. I have seen it work and so have many others. Having an open mind does help with energy work but is not needed. Energy does not care if you believe or not. It simply exists. The cool thing is that cats do not hold our biases and doubts. Cats are very energetic souls and thus, are completely open to energy work. If you are intrigued, I urge you to visit Pam’s website and see what all she offers, from muscle testing to reiki to animal communication. She is an amazing asset to have when it comes to your cat.
“Animals are inspirational. They don’t know how to lie. They are natural forces.” ― Charles Bukowski

[…] Although the herb gardens were definitely helping, Emmet was still anxious, Bodie was still agitated, and Prudence was both. I needed someone who had the ability to get a little deeper into the origin of the drama. Pam Roussell from Purrrfectly Holistic to the rescue. I contacted Pam, mainly about Emmet who was being affected by the stress and drama in an unhealthy way. He was not eating like his normal self and had become withdrawn. Nor was he the happy and playful cat that would make me laugh. After a conversation with Pam, we decided that she would do muscle testing on Bodie, Prudence and Emmet, clearing all of them on any blockages that she found. You can read about our experiences with muscle testing here. […]
[…] I am one who believes in the power of “Woo”. I have talked about my experiences with muscle testing and self-selection herb gardens. So, being able to communicate with my cats is right up my alley. I […]