Have you ever wondered just how your cat came into your life? Sure, you might know exactly how and when you found them. But have you ever thought about all the events that had to have happened in order for you and your cat to cross paths. The other night as Zazzles was snuggling me and purring me to sleep, I thought about exactly how he came into my life. I went back through the years and thought about everything that had to take place at precise moments in order for that moment of Zazzles sleeping peacefully beside me to happen. And I realized that my cats were sent to me for various reasons.
It all started with…
It all started with one stray cat that wandered up to my house. Of course, I started feeding her and of course, she was pregnant. She had four kittens and promptly dropped them off at my house once they were weaned and left. Of course, this was before I knew about TNR and things quickly spiraled out of control. Before I knew it, and before I could TNR all of them, I had 20 cats that were the offspring of that one original stray cat. This situation was the start of my dedication to educating about TNR and volunteering with Feral Cat Assistance Program, a local organization that offers monthly low-cost spay/neuter clinics.
Monti’s death hit me hard.
By the time the second litter of kittens were born from the original litter, I had started forming a relationship with those cats. I was able to bring those kittens inside. It was among those kittens that I found my Soul Cat, Monti. The bond that I had with Monti was unlike any bond I had ever had with a cat before. There was this innate feeling of being together before. Sadly, I only had four years with Monti before kidney disease took him way too soon. However, it was Monti’s death that started me on my journey of providing my cats with the best possible care to ensure their health and happiness. His passing was the catalyst for transitioning my cats to a species appropriate raw diet and learning all I could about supplements and overvaccinations and so much more. Monti needed to come into my life to start me on my intended path. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
11 Kittens in an Hour!
On the day that I was planning to trap the last two outside females, they both gave birth. One had seven kittens, the other had four. Within an hour, I had acquired ELEVEN kittens! I was able to bring all eleven of them into my house, in hopes to be able to find them loving homes. Unfortunately, because they were all black, the old stigma against black cats prevented all but 2 of them from finding their forever homes. I now had 9 black kittens that were my responsibility. I dubbed them the Kracken Kitties and among those nine kittens were Zazzles and Emmet.
Baby Kracken Kitty
Emmet was the first of the Kracken Kitties that moved up to Resident Cat status. He became sick shortly after his 1st birthday and it has been a journey of health issues and learning and healing since then. Through the years of working to keep Emmet happy and healthy, I have learned about using herbs, hydrosols, and crystals with your cats. How our intentions and energy can affect our cats and their wellbeing. In an effort to better understand what was happening with Emmet’s health issues and how to treat them, I learned about Cat Archetypes and their purpose, discovering that Emmet is my teacher and everything that is happening with him is a lesson for me.
And then Zazzles became sick. He developed severe anemia and almost died. In order to monitor him, Zazzles moved up to Resident Cat status in October 2022. Since then, Zazzles has become my shadow. He is my biggest supporter. My best friend. My ever-present companion. Zazzles is my new Soul Cat. The bond that we have is what I had with Monti. There is a feeling of completeness. An understanding on a deeper level. If you have a Soul Cat, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Every night, Zazzles comes to bed with me for snuggles and purrs. Every night without fail. And that brings me back to the start of this article.
Everything had to happen in the exact order and at the precise time. If that one stray cat hadn’t shown up at my house, I probably wouldn’t be writing this article. If I had known about TNR before I did, Monti would not have come into my life with so many painful and wonderful lessons that I needed to learn. If I had trapped the last two females before they gave birth, Emmet would not be around to be the teacher that I need to be able to help so many other cats. Zazzles would not be asleep on my lap right now, supporting me on a path that was intended for me all along. If that one stray cat had not shown up. So, the next time you look at your cat, think about everything that had to happen in order for them to be an important part of your life and be grateful.
“What greater gift than thelove of a cat?” – Unknown