Before we moved into our new house 2 years ago, we had some outside cats. A total of 6 black cats. 2 sets of siblings. You can read about them here. When we bought our new house, I knew that I was going to trap them and move them with me. My original plan was to house them in our garage for 3 months until they became acclimated to their new surroundings and then release them to roam the almost 6 acres that we had. Well, while they were living in the garage, I realized that we have coyotes. Lots of coyotes. And the original plan went out the window. There was no way I was releasing them out to become snacks to some coyotes, Nope, not going to happen. So, Plan B went into effect. The Dedicated Feline Enthusiast way.
Plan B
Plan B took some time to accomplish. A year to be exact. I decided that I was going to purchase and customize a shed and turn it into a Cat House. My husband thought I was crazy. He tried to point out that Panda (the cat that came with our new house) had survived 12 years outside. I had to remind him that Panda also had a mom and brother that disappeared, never to be seen again. I also reminded him that the first time that one of the cats did not show up for a meal that he would be walking the woods with me trying to find said cat. And was he prepared for that. He then started helping me look for a shed.

It had to be the right size with the right specifications. it took some time to find exactly what I wanted and needed. I was not going to negotiate on any of the specifications. However, I did have to negotiate on the size. I originally wanted a 10×20 shed. However, our driveway is long and curvy and has a bridge over a creek. A 10×20 shed would not make it around some of the curves or over the bridge. So, I had to downsize to a 10×16. 4 feet doesn’t sound like much, but it is actually a lot.
I, also, wanted it to have lofts on both sides with a walkway running across the back wall connecting the two lofts. It needed to have lots of windows to bring in natural light and air. I wanted a porch that I could screen in so the cats could have outside access and still be safe. There also needed to be a door on the side to lead out to an enclosed space that they would be able to enjoy, safely, during the day.
A Shed Into a Cat House
The shed was finally ordered, built and delivered. It was amazing watching them deliver a shed that was going to be a Cat House. But it was not ready for occupants yet. It needed to be wired, drywalled and painted, flooring needed to be put down and the porch needed to be screened in. And, of course, it needed to be decorated and catified. Thanks to my amazing husband and family, a month after delivery, the Cat House Cats were moved into their new home where they could be safe and secure.

They were, understandably, freaked out when I moved them into their new digs. I mean, literally climbing the walls freaked out. For a couple of days, none of them came down from the loft area. I had to put their litter box, food and water up there and climb a ladder every day to get to them. Eventually, one by one, they started coming down to the first level. Finally, only Wicket and Tre were left in the loft. They absolutely refused to come down. It took a few more weeks of me coaxing them with yummy treats and pets for them to be brave enough to join the others out of the loft.

Small, But Safe
I still wish we could have figured out a way to get the bigger shed. But this one is working out for them. They have 2 levels and a fully screened porch. They have cat trees and lots of windows to look out. At this point, I don’t have their enclosure completed. I realized that there were a lot of logistics that I needed to work out for it to be a completely safe area for them. It would be awesome if I could find someone to build their enclosure. Like the Catio Guy, but of course he is in LA. A little too far away. I hope to have them something by the end of the year. Until then, I can sleep easy at night knowing that they are safe and not becoming a coyote’s midnight snack.

“Never be embarrassed by how much you care about animals and how they’re treated.”-Stephanie Feldstein

What an awesome project and what an cool human you are taking such great care of your cats. Love the cat house, love you!!