If you have known me for a long time, you know that I have always been interested in the “Woo Woo” stuff. When I was in my twenties, I learned how to read tarot cards and auras, used and believed in the power of crystals and herbs. As the years went by, I stopped my daily “practices”, but always believed in the power of the Universe. I truly believe that the Universe will give you signs and provides, you just have to be open and receptive to it. Over the past year, I have been feeling a pull towards the “woo” again. But this time not only how it can help me, but my cats as well. In just the past couple of months, the pull has been stronger, and the signs have been clearer. And this time I am listening. I am going back to my “woo woo” ways.
Like Attracts Like
We have all heard the saying “Like attracts like” as well as “Birds of a feather”. And that is exactly what has been happening to me. It all started when I first discovered Pam Roussell from Purrrfectly Holistic. Pam does Muscle Testing for your cats. I have had muscle testing done on myself before and was amazed at how accurate it is. I never thought that this process could be used on cats. Until Pam. She helped me so much when Monti got sick and has continued to help me with my other cats in this past year. She has been an amazing resource. But it is now time to take it a step further. I will actually be taking a Muscle Testing Workshop with Pam and learning how to test my own cats.

Next is Julie-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats. The amount that I have learned from Julie-Anne this past year is immeasurable. From herb gardens and essential oils for cats to color therapy and chakra sensing, it has all pulled me back on a path that I had veered from years ago. Everything that I have been learning from Julie-Anne has seemed so natural and easy for me. Almost like second nature. I have taken a lot of her mini workshops and have attended all of her Cat Chakra Chats. So, when she offered a Cat Chakra Course, I immediately signed up. I am so excited to be able to learn how to sense issues that may be affecting my cat’s chakras and how to help them.
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs
Like I said before, I truly believe in the power of the Universe and the signs that she provides. Most of the time, people don’t even notice these signs that are right in front of them. They will ask or pray for something and then ignore the answers they receive. I, generally, try to pay attention for these signs. However, sometimes my rational mind gets in the way. Over the past few months, as I have been getting back onto the path of the “woo”, I have become more receptive to the signs that the Universe has been providing me. And it has made all the difference.

Signs have been popping up everywhere for me. Reassuring me that I am on the right track. See, once you open your mind and allow yourself to receive the signs, you will notice how easy it is, especially if you are on the right path. I knew I was interested in learning more about Cat Chakras, so I sent Julie-Anne a message asking is she knew of any courses I could take. Her response was that she was in the process of creating one herself. Then, after having some personal experiences with Animal Communication and my own cats, I decided that I wanted to learn more about it. The next day, an Animal Communication course appeared in my email. So, I signed up. Every day for over a week, I have been telling my husband that I wanted to check into a whole house water filtration system. I believe we have some bad stuff in our water. This morning, a savings coupon was in our mailbox. Ask and you shall receive. Once again, the Universe provides.
More Woo to Come
As you can probably tell, I am going to be deep into the “woo” and I couldn’t be happier. It was a part of me for so long. A part that I lost a long time ago. Although, back then, I did not realize that I could apply the power of the “woo” to my cats. That has made all the difference. Give me an opportunity to provide my cats with a happier and healthier life and I am all in. Do it in a way that I believe and comes naturally for me, even better. I will keep you all posted on my journey. I have to say that it almost feels like I am going home.

“Your house will always be blessed with love, laughter, and friendship if you have a cat.”~Lewis Carroll