From my early childhood, I have been in love with The Wizard of Oz. The characters, the scenery, the whole story. It provided a roller coaster of emotions, from excitement to sadness to just plain fear. I clearly remember feeling surprised when Dorothy and friends make their way to see the Great and Powerful Oz, only to discover that Oz was just an “ordinary” man behind the curtain. One that you should not pay any attention to. However, when it comes to Mission Meow, we should pay attention to the man, or woman in this case, behind the curtain, Sally Williams.
Life-long Cat Lover
Cats have been a constant in Sally’s life from an early age. Starting as a cat-sitter during her teenage years. As an adult, Sally started volunteering at her local animal shelter, leading her to become a certified cat behaviorist. Furthering her education and ways to help cats on all levels, Sally studied with and was certified by SARA, the Shelter Animal Reiki Association, adding Animal Reiki Practitioner to her repertoire. As if that wasn’t enough, Sally started and ran The Contented Cat for 8 years before putting her full focus behind a cause near and dear to her heart, The Brodie Fund

The Brodie Fund was started after Sally’s beloved cat, Brodie was diagnosed with cancer. A treatment plan was put into place, but it was a very expensive plan. After talking with other pet parents dealing with the cost of cancer treatments and knowing that she would do whatever it took to help Brodie, Sally realized a great need to provide financial assistance for pet parents trying to help their pets. She founded The Brodie Fund and was director for 6 years. During that time, the fund provided financial support to families whose pets had been diagnosed with cancer. By the time Sally closed The Brodie Fund, it had provided not only 71 grants but the precious gift of time to pet owners.
Non-Profit is Home
Working with pets diagnosed with cancer is tough mentally and emotionally. After 6 years, Sally knew it was time to take a break. She needed a recharge. After a short time away, the pull to get back into the non-profit world started. Sally is no stranger to the world and challenges of non-profits. She has seen it from all angles and knows the struggles they face on a daily basis. She knew she needed to be back in the nonprofit world, but how and to what extent.

After doing some soul-searching, while listening to podcasts, reading books and creating lists, Sally knew that she needed to give a name to this future endeavor and the rest would fall into place. Ask, and the Universe provides. Mission Meow came to her. She knew a cat centric non-profit was needed and long overdue. Small cat rescues face a multitude of challenges. There is never enough money, time or volunteers. Sally has experienced these struggles firsthand and knew this was exactly where she was needed.
The Lives of Many
Through Mission Meow, Sally, as well as, all of the businesses and volunteers offering their support, will impact the lives of so many deserving non-profits and the cats under their care. Mission Meow will help provide financial assistance for TNR (trap, neuter, return) projects, adding neonatal capabilities or care for senior cats and so much more. The recipient of a Mission Meow grant will be afforded with the financial luxury of checking off an item on their “if only we had some extra money” list. Being introduced to Sally and Mission Meow has been a blessing. I am so excited, grateful and honored to be a part of Mission Meow. The lives that are going to be changed and impacted are huge.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein