This past week, I had the opportunity to connect with my beloved Soul Cat, Monti Boi. He transitioned in 2021 and not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. I always feel his presence, guiding me along the way. I had a feeling he had sent Lily to me, and I was correct. He wanted me to find joy again and Lily has definitely brought joy back into my life. He also said that he needed to go through what he did, in order for me to find my path. That started me to think back over the past few years and I realized that I am where I am today because of my cats. And to be honest, it kind of blew my mind when I put it all together.
One Step Led to Another
As I traced back all the events that led me to this point in time, I realized it all started in early 2019 when Emmet was diagnosed with potential FIP. That was when I first purchased supplements from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies and was the start of my friendship with them. Over the past four years, Jae and Adrienne have introduced me to so many amazing people and even more ways to improve the lives of my cats.

It was through them that I was introduced to Pam Roussell from Purrrfectly Holistic. Pam was a blessing when Monti was diagnosed with kidney disease in 2021. Throughout his final month, Pam was a constant source of support and assistance. Through her, I learned about muscle testing, energy clearing, and reiki. It was then that I realized exactly what a holistic approach meant in regard to the care of my cats. Monti’s passing brought about a complete change in the way that I provided for my cats. At that time, I started transitioning them to a more holistic approach to their care, including a species appropriate raw food diet, and never looked back.
The Most Important Step
The next step on my path came, once again, from The Two Crazy Ladies and their introduction of Julia-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats. This introduction sent my further down my intended path in life. Through Julie-Anne, I learned about color therapy, herb gardens, essential oils, hydrosols, and chakra balancing. All was so enlightening. I started making connections with all of the “woo woo” that I have been applying to my own care and how I can provide this same approach to my cats. And the journey began. I will forever be grateful for Julie-Anne and all that she has taught me AND brought out in me. A lot of it was painful but needed for me to continue on my path and help my cats.

The more that I thought about everything, the more I realized that everything that I have been through with my cats has happened to put me on my intended path. Everything has happened for a reason. Emmet got sick because I needed to find The Two Crazy Cat Ladie. Monti got sick because I needed to find Pam and start on a more holistic approach with my cats. Julie-Anne came into my life at the time that I needed guidance in being able to release the guilt I had over Monti. We were also dealing with some tension in the house between a few of our cats, which led me to apply everything that I had been learning from Julie-Anne about Cat Chakras and how to balance them.
Everything For A Reason
For a while now, I have been increasing the tools in my “Woo Woo” Toolkit. I started with herbs and color therapy. Then, added hydrosols to the mix. And, finally, I started using crystals with my cats. All with amazing success. Being able to work to balance my cat’s chakras using herbs, hydrosols, and crystals has been empowering especially since we have been dealing with some really serious tensions between Zazzles and Bodie. However, looking back, I am able to see the connection between their tensions and my path.

Working continuously on balancing Bodie and Zazzles’ chakras and trying to bring harmony back to our house gave me a glimpse of something more that I needed to be doing. I just wasn’t sure what exactly it was yet. Then, Sylvie Sterling, The Cat Whisperer, came into my life. I “happened” upon a Facebook post about “Your Cat’s Archetype” and checked it out. It brought so many “aha” moments.
I took her “Your Cat – Your Guide” course and my intended path was opened for me. Through one of the meditations, I clearly saw my intended path. What I was supposed to do with all of this knowledge that I had been storing up over the past few years. Why everything that has happened with my cats has happened. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, and I am witnessing it firsthand. I am where I am today because of my cats.
Where the Path Will Lead
Who knows where my path will lead me next. I know that I have just started down this new path. It is just beginning with the creation of Moon Mojo Feline. Providing cat guardians with the ability to help their cats shift their energy is just the start of what I am meant to do. Monti had a definite message for me. I need to step out of my comfort zone. Expand my “woo woo” horizons from just the physical into the spiritual “woo woo”. Practice and strengthen my animal communication abilities. Work with my cats on sensing, clearing, cleansing, and balancing their chakras. Allowing myself to improve my abilities will allow me to help more cats. And that is my ultimate goal. So, I will continue to seek the guidance of Monti and my other cats and allow them to guide me along the way.

“The animal world shows us the potential we can unfold. But to learn from them, we must first learn to speak with them.” ~ Ted Andrews