What is Zoopharmacognosy? Simply put, Zoopharmacognosy is the study of self-selection in animals. Animals living in the wild will self-select and self-medicate from the plant kingdom around them. Animals will actively choose to use plant from their natural habitat to deal with health issues, both reactively and proactively. However, this doesn’t only apply to animals in the wild. Our sweet house cats can also participate in Zoopharmacognosy and reap the benefits of self-selection.
Allowing Our Babies to Choose
We keep our cats inside to keep them safe from a lot of the dangers of the outside world. Predators, animal and human alike, as well as diseases. However, when we remove them from their natural habitat, we also remove them from their ability to use that natural habitat to keep themselves healthy. Wild cats will not only practice self-selection, but they will also practice self-dosing. Some plants can be lethal to cats, but these intelligent creatures know exactly what they are doing and how much to select. Completely fascinating.

We can allow our babies the same opportunity to practice self-selection and self-dosing in the safety of their homes. You can offer your cats herbs, hydrosols and essential oils that they would need to heal themselves and stay healthy. It is a really simple process that can go a long way to help ease any issues that your cat may be dealing with, whether it be mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. Allowing your cats to choose what they need gives them some of the freedom back that we took away in order to keep them safe.
Safe Self-Selection
Even though our cats are extremely intelligent at self-selecting what they need, we still need to be responsible cat parents by allowing them to practice self-selection safely. Some herbs, hydrosols, and essential oils can be lethal in large doses or if not offered safely. Be sure to do your research on any plant, in any form, that you intend to offer your cat. Knowing how to safely offer herbs, hydrosols, and essential oils to your cat will help to keep them safe.

All three forms should be organic and free of pesticides. Placing down an herb garden is the easiest way to offer herbs to your cat and allow them to self-select what they need. Hydrosols are a bit easier than essential oils when working with cats. Cats lack the enzymes needed to process and metabolize certain essential oils. Hydrosols are easier, and some might say, safer to use than essential oils because they are a diluted solution. Adding a few drops to a bowl of water is an easy way to offer hydrosols. More precautions need to be used when using essential oils. Cats have an amazing sense of smell, so a little goes a long way. Just twisting the cap some and holding the bottle in your hand near them may be all they need.
Just Like Their Ancestors
Zoopharmacognosy, the study of self-selection, has been around for centuries. Animals have been practicing self-selection for more years than we have been studying it. By offering our cats some herbs, hydrosols, or essential oils, we are allowing them to heal themselves like their ancestors. It is a very simple way to allow our cats to deal with any issues they may have, be it mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Giving our babies some control over their health and happiness.

“Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate our relationships with animals and start perceiving them as active rather than passive beings.” – Caroline Ingraham