I have long believed in the power of manifestation. How thoughts become things. I practice this daily, trying to have a positive mindset and an attitude of gratitude. And it works. I am truly blessed and grateful for all that I have and continue to receive. However, after helping my 3rd cat in a little over a year cross the Rainbow Bridge, I find myself wondering if I am manifesting sickness in my cats. Am I so concerned about their happiness and health that instead of them being happy and healthy, it is manifesting in the opposite direction. And if I am, where did this “negative” manifestation stem from? What has caused me to be in a constant state of worry and concern when it comes to my cats?
The Source of It All
After some serious introspective looking as to why I am so hyper focused on my cats and their well-being, I believe that I have figured out where it is all stemming from. It started a little over a year ago when Monti got sick. Before that time, I was carefree with my cats. Don’t get me wrong. I provided very well for my cats. They were definitely spoiled, maybe not as much as now, but still spoiled. It was after Monti got sick from kidney disease that I started to get a little more paranoid and compulsive about my cat’s health and happiness. Have I been manifesting sickness in my cats?

I transitioned them to a species appropriate raw diet. Started adding supplements. Implemented daily playtime and herb gardens so they could use self-selection to help them with any issues they may have. All of this is great. Exactly what my cats need to be happy and healthy. But now, I realize that I might be starting to get a little bit OCD with some things. It almost feels as if I am looking for something to be wrong. Franklin sneezes and I am grabbing Viral-X from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. Emmet not wanting to finish his food and I am opening 2 more flavors to entice him. Bodie and Sloopy having some tension and I am placing down a new calming garden from Naturally Cats. What I need to remember is sometimes a sneeze is just a sneeze and nothing more.
Taking a Step Back and a Deep Breath
Monti’s sickness really traumatized me. It is never easy losing a beloved cat, but Monti was my Soul Cat. My heart still hurts over his passing. And because his sickness came out of the blue and at such a young age, I find myself watching the other cats and waiting for something to happen with them. And because I am so hyper focused on their health, I truly believe that I might be manifesting sickness and other things in a very negative way. This definitely needs to stop. But, how?
The hyper focusing needs to stop. I need to trust my gut and “kitty senses” to let me know when there is an issue. I know that my energy can and does affect my cats. There needs to be an attitude of gratitude when it comes to my cats. From now on, I will wake without any preconceived notions in regard to my cats and how they will be that day. Although I am a firm believer in being proactive rather than reactive, I need to reel it in a bit. When I go to sleep at night, I will take note of all the things that I am grateful for with my babies. This will help to change my mindset and in turn, help me manifest what my cats need the most: a happy and stress-free Cat Mom.

Happy owner, happy cat. Indifferent owner, reclusive cat. – Chinese Proverb