As a cat owner, we all know the power of the purr and how much our cats can help us to be happy and healthy. If you are unfamiliar as to the many health benefits of owning a cat, here is a great video on the 7 Amazing Mental Health Benefits of Owning a Cat. Research has proven that being a cat owner can have a positive effect on our health and energy. However, have you ever taken into consideration how you are affecting your cat’s health and energy? Cats are sentient beings (One who perceives and responds to sensations of whatever kind—sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell). Thus, allowing them to experience everything that we can, just on a different level.

Energetic Souls
Cats are highly energetic souls. They have the innate ability to feel energy shifts. Whether this shift occurs in their environment, with another cat or even with you, a cat will notice when the energy around them changes. They have the ability to sense when you are happy or sad. Our cats pick up on our mood. And because they are more highly sensitive to the energy around them, our mood can affect them in all ways: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
You have probably experienced this with your own cat. Have you noticed that your cat may want some extra snuggles when you are sad? Do you catch them playing more and having the zoomies when you are excited or happy? Maybe, you came home in a bad mood and then your two bestie cats started fighting. Your cats are picking up on the energy that you are putting out. They are responding to it. Unfortunately, sometimes the response is not always positive. Too much negative energy can, eventually, impact your cat’s health. The same as us.
I know that my cats are really attuned to my energy. Some more than others. Bodie knows when I am stressed and needing some petting therapy. He will get in my lap and butt my hand to pet him. He will keep doing this until he feels me calm down, then he leaves. Interestingly enough, I am calmer after the “session”. Hemingway will get on my keyboard or book or whatever I need a break from and lie down. He knows that I need to take a mental break and is there to provide it for me. However, Emmet reacts negatively to my stress. He will get stressed as well. He starts creeping around and picking at his food.

Promote Positive Energy
So, what can you do to make sure that you are not a drain on your cat’s energy or health? We cannot always be happy or in a positive mood. After all, we are humans with emotions. We are going to have bad days or be sad. What we can do is be conscious of our mood and energy. We can pay attention to how energy is affecting our cats. The same that we would do for others that we share space with either at home or at work.
Be sure to check your mood at the door. Release any negative energy that may be lingering from the workday BEFORE you enter the house. This will not only benefit your cat, but it will help you to destress from the day. I still have to remind myself and my husband to do this each day. Just taking a deep breath and releasing the workday before I even get out of the car has helped a lot.
I have started using herb gardens from Naturally Cats. Giving my cats the ability to self-select what herbs they need to combat the energy that they are picking up around them has been priceless. It makes me happy knowing that if I am in a “funk” and it starts to affect them, my cats can choose an herb to help them balance their own energy. Our herb garden experience.

Be Like a Cat
So, I encourage you to be like a cat. Practice mindfulness and patience. Be still and take time to rest. Take time to enjoy the moment and embrace life. Not only will this affect your own energy, but your cat’s as well. Thus, making you both happy and healthy.
“Animals, like us, are living souls. They are not things. They are not objects. Neither are they human. Yet they mourn. They love. They dance. They suffer. They know the peaks and chasms of being.” ― Gary Kowalski