As I was sitting with fingers poised above the keyboard, waiting for inspiration for this article to strike, Cactus came out of nowhere, looked at me, gave me her signature meow and then left. I am going to take that as a sign that Cactus believes this week’s article should be about her. And why shouldn’t it be, especially being that according to the Cat Archetypes, Cactus is my Muse. She is the one cat that I have that walks through life unapologetically. She is who she is, and I can just accept it because she is not going to change.
Bad Behavior?
Before I realized that Cactus was my Muse, I truly just believed that she was one of those difficult cats who would seek out opportunities to demonstrate bad behaviors. Cactus was what some would call a “problem child”. If there was something that she wanted to get into, she did. If there was something that she wanted to do, she did. Climb the screens on the screen porch? Check. Scratch the door frame because she wanted to go outside? Check. Jump in and out of the fireplace, leaving paw prints all over the floor? Check. Learn how to open cabinets and drawers? Check.

Nothing I did would deter Cactus from doing what she wanted, when she wanted. If I scolded her, she would give me a look of disbelief. I dare I try to stop her from doing what she pleased? It was her world, and she was gracious enough to let us play a part in it. I would tell her that she was lucky to have me as her Cat Mom because lots of people would have already surrendered her due to her behavior and antics. However, because I know that there is no such thing as a “bad” cat, I knew there was a reason for her behavior. A purpose for her little quirks. But what?
Free Spirit
One of the modules of the Holistic Cat Practioner course that I am taking with Sylvie Sterling focuses on the Cat Archetypes (you can learn your cat’s archetype here). Each of our cats come into our lives with a purpose. A reason. A job. Some are Teachers or Joybringers, others are Energy Workers and Healers. Our cats come into our lives to help us with what we need most. The Muse is a free spirit kind of cat. Unapologetically living life to the fullest. They live as they want without any hesitation or regrets.

Cactus embodies the Muse Archetype perfectly. She is free spirited and independent. She wants some treats; she opens the treat cabinet. Ready for some outside time, she scratches at the door. But Cactus is not doing this because she is bad. She is doing this to remind me to stay true to me. To embrace who I am and go with the flow. Cactus is a constant reminder to not get caught up in the mundane day to day, but to break loose and live. What a smart kitty!
Enjoy Life
If you are lucky enough to have a Muse, be prepared. This cat will challenge you. She will force you to live in the here and now. Having a Muse cat is a daily reminder to live life to the fullest and enjoy the good things in life. Since realizing that Cactus was my Muse, her bad “behaviors” have decreased. And now I know to look within whenever she “acts up”. Times when I need to not take things too seriously and just live and be. To stop apologizing for who I am. And although Cactus can be challenging at times, I am truly grateful for my quirky, copper-eyed Muse.

“Way down deep, we’re all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them.” – Jim Davis