Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about my purpose. Just last week, I wrote about being driven by my inspiration and passion. Yesterday, during my Your Cat – Your Guide course, the focus was on our purpose in life. What are we meant to accomplish during this lifetime? Today, I was listening to a newly discovered podcast, Siena and Toast. The podcast was titled, “What Makes You Come Alive?” Very fitting for the way my thoughts have been going.
Now, maybe I am going through a midlife crisis or maybe the Universe is sending me platforms to help me work through some things. Either way, I started thinking what brings me joy. I am sure it is no surprise to anyone, the first word that popped into my mind was CATS! Cats bring me joy. They make me happy. Cats give my life purpose and meaning. Now what to do with that?
My life is completely immersed in cats. Not surprising with 18 cats of my own. Most of my days are spent doing something for or with the cats. When I am not at home, I am thinking about my cats. In my spare time, I am looking for ways to improve their lives. I live a C.R.E.A.M. life where Cats Rule Everything Around Me. And I am not upset by that at all. Cats bring me joy and in today’s world, we need to do more things that bring us joy. But it is not just cats that bring me joy, helping others with their cats bring me a lot of joy.

Sharing my experiences with my cats and all of the trials and tribulations that come with it was the main reason I started writing. It was my main purpose. I knew that there were probably others out there who were dealing with some of the same issues and situations that I have dealt with. Some with great success, others not so much. But we grow from our mistakes. I have grown so much since starting this blog. Being able to share the ups and downs with others in hopes that it helps another cat parent and more importantly, their cat.
Teach Me to Fish
Teaching has always been one of my greatest passions. I love sharing knowledge. I believe that I have a gift to connect with my students and inspire them to be better. Better readers, better students, better humans. Now, I hope I am doing the same with my articles. I hope that I am inspiring cat parents to be better. To see their cats as sentient beings with souls and their own purposes in our lives. Providing them with ways to provide for their wellbeing. Ways to keep them happy and healthy, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I am reminded of the proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” My hopes are to teach all of you how to fish, so to speak. Show you ways to enrich your cat’s lives. Enlighten you to ways to provide for your cats in ways that you may have never thought possible. Share my sorrows with you over mistakes I have made. Teach you to be a better cat parent. My cats bring me joy. Sharing my life with them brings me joy. Knowing that I am impacting your cat’s lives brings me immense joy. As I am typing this, I realize that my life is pretty joyful. All because of cats.
“One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home.” – Pam Brown