I woke up this morning with a feeling of anxiousness. Today is Emmet’s monthly vet appointment to monitor the mass in his GI tract. For a few months, his amazing vet couldn’t feel the mass anymore. Then, last month, she felt it again. I was crushed. We were doing so well. I started thinking about the things I haven’t done, as well as the things that I have been doing. Was I doing something wrong? Should I have done something different? So many questions. So many doubts. Then, I stopped. I stopped beating myself up. Yes, this is a setback. However, I know that I am always doing the best for my cats.
Self-Doubt Sabotage
We have all gone through this. Doubt and question things that we have done or didn’t do. It is human nature for us to doubt ourselves. And if we let it, that doubt will grow and start to take over. It begins to overcome our self-confidence. That was exactly what started happening with me and Emmet. However, I am smart enough to know that wasn’t going to do either of us any good. So, I stopped self- doubting myself and what I was doing for Emmet. I did what I do best. Research.

I started looking for ways to support Emmet. Ways to help him to keep moving in the right direction. Because we know that Emmet tested high for glyphosate toxicity, we started him on a detox protocol. Way back, when I thought I was doing the best for my cats, I was feeding them high-quality grain-free kibble. Big mistake. The ingredients in the kibble come from crops that are sprayed with herbicides. I was basically poisoning my cats. Let’s talk about a direct hit to my self-confidence. But that was then, and this is now. Now, I know better and I am continually doing better for my cats.
Self-Confidence Boost
When we first discovered Emmet’s mass, his vet decided to do a surgical biopsy with the hopes that while she was in, she could remove the mass. Unfortunately, the mass was so large and spread out, that removal was not possible. We assumed the worst. When the biopsy results came back negative for cancer, the sense of relief was immense. However, still had a mass that needed to be dealt with. We started Emmet on a micro dose of prednisone. In addition, I pulled out all the stops on my holistic and woo woo resources.

Emmet get daily supplements, including colloidal silver, which is great for inflammation, and OxyCat and B12 from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. In addition to his supplements, Emmet receives herb gardens, color therapy and reiki sessions. Most recently, we have added crystal healing to his regime. As I said earlier, until last month, Emmet’s vet could not feel the mass anymore. So, apparently, all of the protocols put into place were actually working. And as much as I was devastated when she was able to feel a trace of the mass again, I am allowing my self-confidence to override my self-doubt. And although I am feeling slightly anxious about his appointment this afternoon, I am confident that I am doing the best for my cats.
“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” – Ernest Hemingway