The Two (Not-So) Crazy Cat Ladies

drawing of two women with six cats around them

If you are a cat guardian, chances are you have heard of The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. If you have not heard of them, you are seriously doing yourself, and your cat, an injustice. I discovered them in 2019 when Emmet started showing symptoms of FIP. After chatting with Jae, one of the ladies, through emails, I started Emmet on their supplements with great results. And that started my love affair with their Feline Essential products, as well as the two amazing humans behind the scenes. In the past 4 years, I have watched them continue to learn and grow in an effort to provide cat parents with the best possible resources out there. This past week, they launched their new website and completely knocked it out of the park. Proving once again that The Two Crazy Cat Ladies are actually The Two (Not So) Crazy Cat Ladies!

The More You Know

I have learned so much from these ladies over the years. They have a motto “the more you know, the better you do”. They live by this, and it shows. On any given day, you can find them on their social media pages sharing their wealth of knowledge with all of us. From live Q&As, to interviews with cat advocates and professionals, to videos of their own babies, Jae and Adrienne hit on all of the topics that are important to cat guardians, and even those we didn’t know were important.

Learning about litter box issues for 2CCL during Naturally Cats’ Holistic Cat Conference

Their goal is to provide us with as many resources as possible to ensure that we are providing our cats with the absolute best for them to live happy and healthy. The number of amazing humans that I have been introduced to through them is great. Some that have even become friends over the years. All who have helped me to add new tools to my Cat Care Toolkit. They were the Catalyst (also the name of one of their amazing products) in my quest to give my babies their best possible life, from nutrition, to supplements, to with ways to provided them with enrichment and stimulation, to the ways of the “woo woo” (my personal favorite). I will forever be grateful to them for all that they have done for not only me and my cats, but the cat collective as a whole. Just when you think The Two Crazy Cat Ladies couldn’t be any greater of a resource…

Have a Question, They Have an Answer

As I said earlier, Jae and Adrienne launched their new website, and it is a GAME CHANGER for cat guardians everywhere. They have worked tirelessly over the years to be able to help cat parents with questions about their cats. But these 2 ladies can only do so much. There had to be a way to help cat parents with their questions when they needed answers. So, they put their great minds to work and after over a year of development, have released the first every Feline Search Engine! Now, cat parents EVERYWHERE and at ANYTIME can search for answers to their cat questions.

Is your cat, suddenly, peeing in inappropriate places? A quick search in their Feline Search Engine and you will find pages of amazing resources to help you narrow down the possible reasons this may be happening with your cat. Is it a health issue, or a resource or territorial issue? Your search will also provide you with recommendations for supplements if it is a health issue (remember supplements do not replace veterinary care). Do you have a question? They have an answer, all you need to do is key it into their search engine and boom! Answers!

Helping All of the Cats!

This new and amazing website was a labor of love. Jae and Adrienne, The Two Crazy Cat Ladies, have dedicated their lives to helping as many cats as possible to live happier and healthier lives. To see the great strides that they have made over the years is so inspirational. What started out as a quest, many years ago, to help provide their own cats with the best possible care and seeing just how little resources there were, at that time, for cats has turned into quite possible the absolute best resource to date for cat parents. At least for now, for I am positive that Jae and Adrienne are already thinking of what they can do next to help as many cat guardians and their cats as possible. And I am here for it! If you haven’t already checked out their new website, please do. Your cat will thank you.

“How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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