Emmet has been dealing with a slight heart murmur for over a year, that we know of. A couple of week ago, we had some blood work done and the results were alarming. So much so, that we made an appointment with a cardiologist. To say that I had a freak-out when I received the results is an understatement. I completely got lost in my head started imagining all of the worst-case scenarios. Is he going to die? Will he get a blood clot and I won’t be able to do anything about it? Does my poor handsome boy have to go on another medication? Luckily, I have some amazing energy workers and animal communicators in my Cat Care Toolkit and was able to have them connect with him. What resulted was Emmet’s Words of Wisdom.
Trust My Instincts
I have to admit that even though I was having a mini meltdown after speaking with his vet about the bloodwork results, my “kitty senses” were not tingling. This is something that has been happening for years when there is something “off” with any of my cats. I just “know” that something is wrong, and they need to go to the vet. Most of the time, nothing seems to be wrong with them to the human eye. But I just sense it. Sense that they are struggling with something. Almost every time that this has happened, even my husband has questioned why I want to take said cat to the vet. And almost all of the times, said cat had a health issue of some sort.

Over the past year, I have learned that these “tingly kitty senses” is actually me connecting with my cats. After completing my Animal Communication course a few months ago, I have been working to strengthen my Claire Senses. As a result, my sense of knowing has grown stronger. When it comes to my cats, my intuition is usually spot on. So, even though what the vet was telling me was scary and instilling fear and anxiety, I didn’t have that gut feeling that Emmet was deathly ill. And that is exactly what he told my friend, Sylvie Sterling, when she connected with him. He needs me to trust my intuition. That I know him better than the vets. I am connected to him on a soul level and because of that I will know what he needs to stay happy and healthy. Sometimes, that is easier said than done.
My Self-Induced Stress
Because I am connected to Emmet on a soul level, he picks up easily on my stress. This is something that I need to remember and work on. As I have been working on strengthening my abilities to communicate with my cats, I have also started to deepen my empath abilities. Being an empath means that I pick up on energy of those around me. Sometimes, I take on those energies and bring them home with me. This affects my cats, especially Emmet. I have to make a conscious effort to release those energies that are not mine before I enter the house.

Emmet also said that he picks up on the stress that I put on myself. My own self-induced stress. I admit that I tend to take on a lot of responsibility. Full-time teacher with lots of extra responsibilities. Caregiver to 18 cats. Friends and family to spend time with. This blog to keep up with, including the social media aspect. My new business, Moon Mojo Feline, and trying to help as many cats as I can. Volunteering with Feral Cat Assistance Program to help educate as many people as possible about TNR and help as many community cats as possible. This list goes on. Emmet feels when I start to feel overwhelmed. That feeling of being overwhelmed starts to affect him. And that is something that I cannot have. So, I am going to make some changes.
With The New Year…
I know the importance of self-care. However, I am really good at preaching but not practicing what I preach. But that is going to change in the New Year. I am taking Emmet’s Words of Wisdom and putting them into action. Everything that I love doing should not feel like a chore. It is then that I start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. I tend to put pressure on myself to be all things to everyone. Remembering to put myself first will come a long way to not only keeping myself healthy and happy, but also my cats, especially Emmet. I feel confident that if I start to take on too much, Emmet will let me know.

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” – Ernest Hemingway

[…] great advice that I wasn’t fully following. It wasn’t until I wrote the article about Emmet’s Words of Wisdom that I actually paid attention to the words. I have always been the type of person who tends to […]