Creating Harmony

A moment of peace and calm.

This past October, Zazzles was promoted from Kracken Kitty status to Resident Cat status. He had developed severe anemia and almost needed a blood transfusion. Since then, he has completely bounced back and is thriving and living his best life as a Resident Cat. However, this move has caused a lot of drama and tension among the other cats. So much so, that Zazzles cannot be allowed to free roam when we are not at home. And, although, we are getting along better, there are still times when I have to break up a literal cat fight. So, I have put a plan into action for creating harmony that is incorporating all of my resources and knowledge.

Not My First Rodeo

We have had cat drama in the past. You might remember The Anxious and the Agitated that involved Bodie, Emmet and Prudence. It was during that time that I started “collecting” all the different techniques and products to help create harmony in our house. Once again, I find myself referencing and utilizing all of these again.

This time, our drama is pretty much involving everyone except Lily and Cactus, The Gremlin Kittens. Zazzles’ appearance was the catalyst. We had a period of everyone hissing and growling at each other. Eventually, Zazzles became friends with Emmet, Lily and Cactus. He tolerated Sloopy. There was mutual hatred between Zazzles, Bodie and Hemingway. That hatred became quite physical at times. Very scary situations. But I am not your average Cat Mom and I understand that there are reasons behind this aggression with the main one being fear. Time to start creating harmony once again.

Total Cat Mojo

First stop, Jackson Galaxy. I received Jackson Galaxy’s Total Cat Mojo book last year for Christmas. I, unfortunately, like most of the books that I buy or receive, have not had the time to fully read it. However, I have skimmed through it enough to know that I have some “Napoleons” and some “Wallflowers”. The only “Mojitos” that I have, at this point, are Lily and Cactus. All of the others love the kittens. I mean, how could you not love them? My goal is to have a house full of “Mojitos”.

Some of my tools and resources.

I had Jackson Galaxy’s Solutions on hand from our previous cat drama. The Ultimate Peacemaker, which includes Bully Solution, Self Esteem and Peacemaker, as well as, Safe Space, have been instrumental in creating harmony. I started applying Bully Solution on Zazzles at least 2 times a day. Bodie and Hemingway were receiving Self Esteem. Everyone was getting Peacemaker. I spray Safe Space around the bedroom at night. That is when the majority of the drama happens because everyone wants to be with Mom at night.

Giving My Cats a Voice

I have had cats long enough and know enough about their personalities that I know the aggression issues that we are dealing with stem from fear and insecurities. Zazzles is not a mean cat. He has just been trying to establish his place in our cat hierarchy. Because both Bodie and Hemingway are the biggest of the bunch, Zazzles felt that he needed to challenge them for his position. The hissing and growling are their ways of communicating with each other. I knew I needed to help give them a voice. Needed to give them opportunities to self-select remedies that will help them deal with their emotions.

Bodie using self-selection to ease his anxiety.

Next stop, Julie-Anne from Naturally Cats. I have been using Naturally Cats’ Herb Gardens for almost a year now. And they have been life changing for my cats. We all know how catnip can affect our cats. Well, catnip is an herb and there are other herbs that can provide mental, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits for our cats. We just need to allow them to do what is natural and self-select what herbs they need.

Lily checking out a new herb garden.

So, I am giving my cats a voice. I have placed down multiple herb gardens, ranging from comforting to anxiety to aggression. My cats get to choose from herbs such as valerian root, rose buds, lavender, chamomile, calendula and more. Each time I place a new garden down, I am amazed at how my cats react to the herbs. How they will know exactly which one they need and take in all that it has to offer. I like to take my herb gardens up a notch and utilize some color therapy, placing the comforting garden on a blue fabric to create a sense of calm and such.

Serenity Now

The level of drama and sense in our house has calmed down over the past couple of weeks. And I know that it has a lot to do with the practices that I have put into place. We still have a way to go before we are completely living in peace and harmony. Actually, what multi-cat household does live in complete peace and harmony? My ultimate goal is to get to the point where I can safely leave Zazzles out to free roam without the concern of everyone’s safety. Creating harmony in a multi-cat household can be a challenge. However, if you utilize some of the above resources, the process will become a little easier. I will keep you posted on how things are progressing here.

Working towards more peaceful moments like this.

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” – Ernest Hemingway

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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1 Comment

  1. […] same premise can go for our cats. Right now, we have been dealing with some cat drama with Bodie & Hemingway joining forces against Zazzles. What’s interesting about this is […]

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