Today is Halloween and for me, it is the most wonderful time of the year. I have always loved Halloween and everything that is associated with it (although this past month has been rough for me and my cats). The colors, the spooky movies, decorations and costumes. It all makes me very happy. With all that I love about the Halloween season, the one “thing” synonymous with Halloween that I love the most is the black cat. If you have been following me, you know that the majority of my clowder of cats are black. Black cats have always been my favorite. There is just something about their sweet little black faces that makes my heart melt. I am putty. So, how did these mini panthers become a Halloween Icon and why are there such stigmas and superstitions surrounding them?
Deeply Rooted in History
Cats have been connected to humans since early civilizations. Cats were revered as royalty by the Egyptians, especially Bast. Most cats have remembered this and still expect the royal treatment to this day. In Greek history, cats were associated with Hecate who was the Goddess of Magic and Supernatural. It is said that Hecate had a cat as a pet and a familiar. This may be where the start of the connection between cats and the supernatural appeared. Jump forward to Puritan times in Salem, MA and the witch trials and things went all to hell for cats. Pun intended.

Early Christianity did not hold women high. Sadly, an independent woman was frowned upon and most often, would be accused of being a witch. Cats were also victims of this early ignorance. We all know that cats are quite independent unlike their obedient dog counterparts. This independence was not approved by the men in control during those times. Cats, especially black cats, were associated with witches and Satan. Unfortunately, because of this ridiculous connection, both women and cats alike were banished or worst, killed.
As Christianity and Pagan traditions started to merge, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, became recognized as a celebrated holiday. November 1st is All Saints Day and, in an effort, to merge the two religions, October 31st was designated as All Hallows Eve. And Halloween took off. And with all things spooky, the stigma and superstition attached to black cats grew.
Witch’s Familiar & Superstitions
As the celebration of Halloween began to take off, the people, things and colors associated with the holiday grew. The theme of the witch and her black cat familiar was, of course, front and center as a Halloween staple. Most women have dressed as a witch at some point in their lives. Ironically, I am sure that the majority of those women also have a cat, and maybe even a black cat. Along with their Halloween fame, black cats are also the center of a lot of superstitions.

Stemming back from the witch trials, black cats were said to be a witch in disguise. Black cats are considered to be bad luck. This one makes me laugh for I consider myself to be lucky to have so many black cats. It is also said that it is bad luck for a black cat to cross your path. Not all black cat superstitions were bad. In some countries it is actually good luck if a black cat crosses your path. Sailors believed it was good luck to have a black cat on the ship. Fishermen’s wives were known to have a black cat as a good luck charm. Leaning towards to Woo Woo, black cats are known to foresee prosperity, fortune and luck.
A Foolish Bad Rap
Poor cats have received such a bad rap throughout the years. Especially black cats. It is so sad and ridiculous to think that these sweet mini house panthers could be the harbingers of anything other than love and goodness. Luckily, the thoughts and attitudes towards black cats are starting to shift. More and more people are realizing all that black cats have to offer. Unfortunately, not all are on Team Black Cat. Most rescues and shelters will not allow black cat adoptions in October for there are still evil people in this world with nefarious reasons for adopting a black cat. Some people will always believe in the misconceptions of the black cat and will freak out if a black cat crosses their path. I say if a black cat crosses your path, be sure to pet it and take advantage of the good luck that it brings your way.

“When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near Halloween.” – Unknown