Better Days are on the Horizon

Emmet has had some health issues.

Better days are on the horizon after having some rough days for a few months now with our cats. Prudence lost her fight with kidney disease and stomach cancer in July. Panda crossed the Rainbow Bridge in August from kidney disease. And October, well, October was the worst. Zazzles developed severe anemia and we thought he was going to need a blood transfusion. My little old man Franklin’s body was just tired, and we helped him cross the Rainbow Bridge. Lily came down with a viral infection and needed medication. And then, Emmet got sick. A trip to the vet and an ultrasound discovered a mass in his GI tract. It was a stormy month.

That is a whole lot of stress and sadness in just a few months. There have been many times that I have just wanted to throw in the towel and give up. But that is not me. I don’t give up. And I definitely don’t give up on my cats. If anything, adversity tends to make me stronger and fight harder. I know that better days are on the horizon.

Negative Energy Out of Nowhere

One has to wonder where all of this negative energy that has been affecting me and my cats is coming from. My sister mentioned that maybe by putting my life with my cats out there in my blogs for everyone to read might have inadvertently brought some negativity to us. Her thoughts were that some people may not agree with some of the things that I write about and whether consciously or subconsciously sent me some bad kitty mojo. Now, I deeply believe in the power of thoughts and energy, so that could be a possible explanation. However, I do pity anyone whose intention is to cause harm to any of my cats.

Emmet’s shaved ultrasound belly.

On the logical and rational side, with the number of cats that I have, along with their ages and the fact that most of them coming some the same litter or family, it would make sense that I would encounter sickness and death more often that other people who only have 2 or 3 cats. Kidney disease seems to be my major nemesis. Since last August, I have had 4 cats pass from CKD. CKD is generally an “old” cat disease, however, it claimed 2 of my young cats who were only 4 at the time of their passing. So, the question then becomes if they are being exposed to something that is affecting their kidneys? Those 2 cats were also part of the same colony of cats. Which makes me wonder if there is something genetically “wrong” that would make these cats predisposed to certain diseases?

Energy Shift

Like I said, I firmly believe in the power of thoughts and energy. When I told a good friend about what my sister had thought about the negative kitty mojo being sent me way, her response was yes, someone could have, however, she believed that the love that I feel for my cats is way stronger than any bad mojo that could be sent. And she is right. Anyone that truly knows me knows that there is no limit that is too much when it comes to my cats. The saying “I work hard so my cats can have a good life” perfectly describes me. And I will continue to work hard to provide for them. Keeping my eye on the better days on the horizon.

Zazzles is living the life.

I also believe that my cats are in my life to provide me with lessons that I need to learn about them and myself. I am constantly learning ways to help improve my cats emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Species appropriate raw food diets, healthy treats, supplements to help keep them healthy, herb gardens, color therapy and cat chakra cleansing are just some things that I have implemented into their daily routines. My own energy can greatly affect theirs and I try really hard to keep this in mind. We will focus on the positive energy and learn and grow through any negativity that may find its way to us.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Things are calming down here. Zazzles is doing so much better. I am positive that his next blood work recheck will show tremendous improvement and will be given a clean bill of health. He is loving being a “Resident” cat and is starting to get along with the other residents. Lily is back to her crazy Gremlin Kitten self. Emmet’s challenges are not over though. He will need a biopsy to determine what the mass is and then we will need to decide on the next course of action. He has not needed his pain medicine or appetite stimulant is the past 4 days. He is up to eating a whole can of food throughout the day, which may not seem like much, but it is a lot more than he was eating. He has not been hiding out in the bedroom as much. The horizon looks good.

Emmet self-selecting his herbs from Naturally Cats.

All of these are small victories that we will take for it is the small victories that win the battle. I will continue to learn ways to help support him. He will be getting a chakra cleanse from Naturally Cats to help with any blockages that he may have. Muscle testing from Purrrfectly Holistic to determine what supplements will help support him. Daily doses of B12, Oxycat & Catalyst from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies for additional daily support. He will also start a More Mushroom Cancer Kit from Pet Wellbeing. Emmet and I are determined to overcome any adversity that comes our way and looking forward to better days on the horizon.

“If you think that it is only a cat then obviously you have never loved a cat.”~T.S.Eliot

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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