I have always believed in the power of the woo woo. You know, herbs and crystals and meditation and such. If you have been following me for a while, you know that I have started utilizing the woo woo with my cats and the results have been amazing. Knowing that cats are such sentient beings capable of feeling and reacting to the energies around them, it makes perfect sense that they would respond to all of those things considered to be woo woo. So, I thought that I would share what is in my Woo Woo Tool Kit and explain not only how and why I use them with my cats, but also how they have been responding to them.
Herb Gardens and Self-Selecting
We started our Woo Woo Tool Kit with herb gardens from Naturally Cats. I am sure that you have used catnip with your cats at some point. Well, catnip is an herb and part of the mint family. My cats have always reacted to and enjoyed fresh catnip. It wasn’t until I discovered Naturally Cats that I realized that cats could benefit from other herbs as well. I purchased a General Herb Garden and was amazed at how my cats reacted to it. Watching them practice self-selection was mind blowing.

I, instantly, purchased The Aromatic Cat book co-written by Julie-Anne Thorne and Nayana Morag. Not only were my cats hooked on herb gardens, but so was I. I wanted to know more about what herbs I could offer them and how those herbs could be beneficial to them. That was over a year ago, and we haven’t looked back. There are at least 2-3 herb gardens placed throughout the house for my cats to self-select the herbs that they are needing at the moment. Herbs have helped with sickness, stress, and so much more. A definite must for your Woo Woo Tool Kit.
Color Therapy
Julie-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats has been such a valuable resource for me and my cats. Especially when it comes to my Woo Woo Tool Kit. It all started with the herb gardens and continues to grow. The next item in my Woo Woo Tool Kit is color therapy. You know how you might feel a certain way when you are wearing a certain color? How you might gravitate towards one color more than another? That is color therapy. Our cats are also affected by color. They will react and gravitate towards certain colors depending on what they are needing or feeling at that moment.

I wanted to learn more about how I could start utilizing color therapy with my cats. So, I took Naturally Cats’ Color Therapy Webinar. It was so fascinating to learn how simply placing a blue towel down could help calm an anxious cat or a yellow fabric could help a nauseated cat. Such a simple way but highly effective way to help your cats emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Color therapy is utilized in our house every day. Sometimes, I even combine color therapy with their herb gardens. A very easy must have for your Woo Woo Tool Kit.
Cat Chakras
The more I learned about color therapy, the more I realized how it is connected to our cat’s chakras. Our cat’s chakras are no different from our own chakras, although they are in slightly different positions. And just as with our own chakras, if our cat’s chakras become overactive, underactive or blocked, it can cause problems physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Well, now I needed to know how to help adjust my cat’s chakras. Once again, enter Julie-Anne and Naturally Cats.

I took her Cat Chakra Workshop and was so intrigued by affected our cats can be by an imbalanced chakra that I signed up for a longer workshop that she offered where I learned how to sense imbalances in my cat’s chakras and how to adjust them. Not as easy as placing down some herbs or some colored fabric, I have been practicing daily on sensing and adjusting my cat’s chakras. Just last night, I noticed as I was petting Zazzles at bedtime, that his crown chakra was really warm. We worked on some energy shifting, which he leaned into and accepted. After about 20 minutes, he shifted and moved away from my hands, took a deep sigh and drifted off to sleep. Having this component in my Woo Woo Tool Kit has been such a game changer for me and my cats and I can’t wait until Julie-Anne’s new Cat Chakra book comes out.
Essential Oils and Hydrosols
I have always known about the power of essential oils on the body and mind. I have also always heard that essential oils were dangerous to use on or around cats. So, as much as I loved them, I stopped using them. That was until recently when I learned that you can safely use oils and hydrosols around your cats. And that they can benefit from the properties of essential oils and hydrosols just like us. I was so excited to be able to add this to my Woo Woo Tool Kit. Although, I am still cautious about it. I needed to learn more about how to safely offer them to my cats.

Nayana Morag from Essential Animals has so many amazing resources on her website. There are courses and webinars that you can take. The Aromatic Cat book is another great resource that provides you with information about herbs, essential oils and hydrosols and how to use them with your cats. Still being the nervous cat mom that I am, I decided to start with hydrosols with are not as potent as essential oils. I chose 3 that would help with some of the tension and stress that we are dealing with between Zazzles, Bodie and Hemingway. Along with herb gardens, my cats now receive bowls of hydrosol waters that they can interact with in whatever way they need. Some lap at them, other just lie near it. As with herbs, they are self-selecting what they need at that moment.
Crystals and Stones
The use of crystals and stones are a part of my daily life. I have them placed around the house. I wear them daily. There are crystals in my purse and car. I firmly believe in the power of them. Never even thought about how they could affect and benefit my cats. It amazes me how sometimes it takes me a moment to make connections about certain things. Anyways, this past week I have started placing some crystals and stones down for my cats. And once again, MIND BLOWN!

I placed down some that would help with stress and tension, because that is what we are dealing with in this house. We just can’t seem to come to a mutual understanding between Zazzles, Bodie and Hemingway. Some days, we have no issues. Other days, it is like World War 3 here. Tensions are high, fur is flying, stress is building. So, the first day of utilizing crystals, I was not surprised to see that Zazzles instantly went for the red jasper. A stone associated with calming stress and tension, also associated with the Root Chakra and being balanced and secure. Interesting.

The second night, Zazzles chose tuxedo. Another stone associated with calming stress and tension and is also associated with the Root Chakra. Coincidence? I think not. Two different nights, two different stones, both associated with the Root Chakra. Zazzles is definitely trying to tell me something. Lucky for him, I have learned about Cat Chakras and I have been working with him to balance his Root Chakra. Giving him herbs and hydrosols that will help with his balance, as well as color therapy. See how they are all connected? So very cool to me and I now have added crystals and stones to my Woo Woo Tool Kit.
Ever Growing Woo Woo Tool Kit
In just this past year, my Woo Woo Tool Kit has grown so much. It started with herb gardens and continues to increase the more that I learn. I am not finished with my Woo Woo Tool Kit. There are so many other modalities that I want to add. Animal Communication is my next step. There have been some personal experiences in this field, and it is definitely an area that I want to learn more about. I love that I am able to bring my personal woo woo beliefs and practices into my cat’s lives. My cats react to the woo woo easier than I do because they don’t hold the doubts and questions that we do as humans. They know what works for them and go with it. No doubts, no second thoughts, no what ifs. Ah, to be a cat.

“Cats know more than we think and think more than we know.”~H.P.Lovecraft