For over 5 years, I have been actively involved in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). I have witnessed personally what one unspayed female cat can do to the already overpopulated feral cat situation. One stray pregnant female turned into 19 in a little over a year. Of course, this was all before I knew anything about TNR. Luckily for these cats, I provided for them, giving them food and shelter. Eventually, I learned about Feral Cat Assistance Program and their low cost spay/neuter clinics. Over the next year, I trapped all of them and brought them to get spay/neuter and vaccines. And that was when I became involved in TNR. I fully understand the importance of TNR. Unfortunately, some people are misinformed and not educated on this importance.
The Plight of TNR
Working in TNR is not easy. It can be absolutely heartbreaking to see these poor cats just trying to survive on the streets. Dealing with sickness and illness. Intact males fighting each other over females in heat. 5-month-old kittens having their own kittens. Kittens being born in the harsh elements. Becoming prey while just trying to survive to see another day of suffering. The hardest part is knowing that all of this suffering and tragedy is because humans have failed. We have failed on taking control of this situation before it got out of control.

There are so many amazing organizations and individuals that work tirelessly in TNR, trying to make even the slightest dent in the overpopulation of feral cats. Flatbush Cats is an amazing organization that has been working for years to try to get the upper hand on the overpopulation of cats in Brooklyn, NY. They have stepped up their fame and now are in the process of raising funds to build a spay/neuter clinic that will also offer low-cost vet care. That is a game changer! The lives of so many cats suffering and in need will be saved.
If You Are Not Part Of The Solution…
While Flatbush Cats and FCAP are non-profit organizations working hard in TNR, there are also individuals who are working just as hard to do their part and call awareness to the importance of TNR. Sterling “Trap King” Davis is one of these individuals. I have been following him for years now. In awe, and completely motivated by, his dedication to traveling the country, working with different organizations to help spread the message of TNR. I was privileged to get to meet and hang out with Sterling at CatCon 23. It was such an honor to be able to talk with someone who has been such an inspiration over the years. Sterling is an amazing human being who is breaking all kinds of stereotypes.

This past week, some misinformed and uneducated person decided to attack Sterling on social media. Saying that he should have himself neutered. That he was a horrible human for causing the evitable extinction of feral cats. Seriously?!?! Those of us who have worked in TNR and seen the suffering these cats endure would WELCOME the extinction of feral cats. That would mean that all street cats would have a loving home to spend their lives. It would mean that sweet little innocent kittens would not be born on the streets and probably survive to see their 1st birthday. Sadly, the vast numbers of feral cats are so great that we will not see extinction during our lifetime. Maybe not even in our children’s lifetime. Which is so sad.
Be A Part Of The Solution!
My hope with this article is to help draw attention to the importance of TNR. To show people that as humans, we have failed all of those feral cats. But, as humans, we can help do something about it now. We can be a part of the solution. I mentioned 3 organizations/individuals that are fighting the good fight. They are being a voice for the voiceless. Trying to undo the wrong that has been done for so many years.
I plead that you join this fight as well. Visit the pages that I have linked. Search for local TNR groups in your area. Volunteer. Donate. Do what you can. If you see a stray cat around and they don’t have an eartip (the sign of a cat who has been TNR’ed), don’t overlook it. Too many people overlooking is what got us into this problem to begin with. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

“We have to speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.” ― Peter Singer