For almost a year now, I have been learning how to communicate with my cats. Attending webinars, live readings with other animal communicators, and, finally, obtaining my own certification in Animal Communication. It has been very enlightening to “hear” what my cats have to say about their lives. I knew this was going to be another way that I would be able to not only strengthen my bond with my cats, but to also ensure that they are happy and healthy. Over the past couple of weeks, I have experienced the perks of being able to communicate with my cats.
It Hurts
A few weeks ago, when I went down to feed the Kracken Kitties, I looked at Pyewacket and just knew that I needed to move him upstairs. I can’t explain why but I just knew that he needed to be moved out of that room. Pyewacket was being bullied by one of his siblings and he was having a rough time. There was something different on this day. I had the feeling that something more was going on with him. So, I set up a crate in our living room and moved him upstairs.

Within a couple of hours, I noticed that Pyewacket was constantly going to the litter box, but not really urinating. He was meowing quite a bit. I instantly knew we had an issue. But what kind of an issue. Were we dealing with a bladder infection or kidney issues? Or, worse yet, a urinary blockage. I took a moment to connect with Pyewacket and immediately got “It hurts”. That was all I needed. No matter what the cause was, Pyewacket was in pain, and I needed to help him. I loaded him into the carrier and off to the emergency vet we went. Sure enough, he had a urinary blockage which we caught early enough. So very grateful.
She’s Not Doing It Right
Last week, Emmet had his monthly vet appointment to check his heart murmur and ensure that his GI mass hasn’t returned. As his amazing doctor and I were chatting and catching up, we were both petting Emmet. She started to examine him, feeling around his stomach area. All of a sudden, Emmet growled at her. She instantly stopped and we looked at him. What was that about? Emmet has never growled at his vet. She started to feel around again and once again, Emmet growled. We were both confused and concerned. We started to try to figure out why he was growling.

His vet was feeling around his pancreas, but she wasn’t able to feel if it was enlarged. While she was trying to figure out what our next step would be, I asked him what was going on. And Emmet responded. He said that she wasn’t doing it right. I relayed the message and that confused her even more. What did he mean? After a few moments, she said, “OMG, he is right. I am not doing it right!” Because we were just casually chatting at the beginning, Emmet had went into loaf position as she was petting him. She then started to feel around with her LEFT hand. That is not the way that she has always examined him. Emmet usually flops to his side, and she uses her RIGHT hand to examine him. After we realized this, Emmet proceeded to flop on his side, she began to use her right hand and Emmet began to purr like he always does.

His vet told me that until I connected with Emmet, and he was able to tell me why he was growling, she was already thinking about what could be wrong with his pancreas. Did we need to do some blood work to check his levels. Should she try to feel around again even if he continued to growl? What would be the best treatment plan if he did have an issue with his pancreas due to his heart issue? All of this was running through her mind while I was connecting with him. Because I am able to connect with him, we didn’t have to worry about the answers to those questions. Once he was happy with the way she was examining him, she was able to check the pancreas and determine that it was fine. No concerns.
Kitty Senses
I have always had this ability to know when something was off with one of my cats. I called it my “kitty senses were tingling”. Now, I know that it has been my intuition all along. That I have always had this ability to connect with my cats. Just didn’t know exactly how I was doing it. For the past six months, I have been working on strengthening this intuition. Allowing me to understand my cats on a deeper level. Being able to connect with them has helped me to ensure that they are staying healthy and getting what they need to thrive. It is just one of the many perks of being able to communicate with my cats.

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.” ― A.A. Milne