It’s that time of year. The holiday season is upon us. Tis the season of good cheer, holiday gatherings and all things merry and bright. It is also a season of stress and chaos and all things busy and tight (both in time and pants, lol). For some reason, this year I feel like I am running out of time to do all that I want and need to do. One moment it was Thanksgiving and then I blinked, and it is now December 5th. Christmas is just 20 days away. How is that even possible? With each passing day, I can feel my stress levels start to increase. I have to make a conscious effort to breathe and leave the stress. It is those moments that I look to my cats. They have the amazing ability to ground me and bring me back to the present.
Let It Go
I pride myself as being a master multi-tasker. Being able to complete many tasks at once is a talent that I depend on. It truly only works because of the strict routines that I have in place. Everything happens on a scheduled time. Throw the schedule off even by a little bit and all of my juggling balls come crashing down. With all of the extras that happen during the holidays, it takes a bit more effort to keep all of my balls in the air.

I have learned to do what I can and let the rest go. It will be ok if I don’t get the large ornaments hung from the tree at the top of the driveway. The world will not come to an end if I don’t get the tree, that no one will see downstairs, decorated. We tend to add extra stress on ourselves during this time of the year. But for what reason? Why do we find the need to push ourselves to the point that we are forgetting what this season is all about. A time to be happy and with the ones we love.
…Means A Little Bit More
This is the time of year to make memories. Memories that will last longer than any present that you could buy. Spending time with friends and family will mean so much more to you in the future than all the time you spent decorating or shopping. Our tree is up, but it only has lights, no ornaments. I am perfectly happy with that. Not having to take the time to bring the ornaments upstairs and hang them all has given me more time to sit in front of it with one of my babies on my lap and read. Refusing to spend all of my free time fighting the crowds shopping allows me to curl up on the couch with my love and our cats to watch Christmas movies.

As I get older, I am realizing more and more that this is the time of year to make the most of our time with our loved ones. That is what matters the most. Find ways to create memories and start traditions that will mean so much more in the future. So, if you find yourself getting stressed out this holiday season, please remember to breathe, let it go and remember that Christmas means so much more.
“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” — Dr. Seuss