I get this question a lot? Why do I love cats so much? The answer is pretty simple, I just do. I have always loved cats since I got my first kitten from Santa at a child. There is something pure and innocent about a cat. And yet, they are very mysterious creatures. One will never fully understand a cat. And that intrigues me. There is a way about my cats that fascinates me. How they have the ability to put a smile on my face when I need it the most. Just being in the presence of my cats has a calming effect on me. Petting them and hearing their purrs have the powers to heal all the ails me.
A Deeper Look
Looking deeper into my long love affair with cats, I realize that they have always been there for me when I have needed them the most. My cat, Mojo, was there for me when I was going through my divorce. His fur absorbed many tears. When Mojo passed and I felt lost and alone, Jinx showed up and brought new joy to my life with his kitten energy and antics. A few days after my beloved Monti passed, three little foster kittens needed a safe place to hang out while waiting to be adopted. Providing them with that place was exactly what I needed to deal with losing Monti.

My currents cats are constantly providing me with what I need even before I know that I need it. Cats are very intuitive and energetically connected. They can sense energy shifts happening around them. Right now, Hemingway is trying to interrupt my writing by lounging across my laptop. He knows that I have been working for a while now and that I probably need a mental break. My new kittens, Cactus & Lily, have provided some much-needed entertainment and kitten therapy over the past few months. Their crazy kitten antics have kept me going through the anniversary of Monti’s death and the passing of Prudence and Panda. It is truly impossible to be sad when you have kittens frolicking around.
A Continued Love Affair

My love affair with cats started at a very young age and will continue until I die. I cannot imagine my life without them. Whenever I hear someone say that they do not like cats, I believe it is because they have not found the right one. Cats are so very unique and have their own personalities. No two cats are alike. Some are chill. Others are spastic. There are cats who would love nothing more than a warm lap to sleep, while there are others who want to go on grand adventures and discover new places. All of my cats are different. I have the lap cats. The ones who always want to play and investigate and, in turn, get into trouble. No matter how I am feeling or what I need, I have a cat that is willing to be there for me. I am forever grateful for their presence in my life and all that they provide for me. And that is why cats.
“Cats own numerous charms which will make you forget all your worries.”~Saki