A Day of Remembrance

Monti’s death hit me hard.

Today is Memorial Day. A day where we remember our fallen soldiers. Personally, I have not lost someone to active duty. I cannot even imagine the amount of grief that surrounds losing someone who died while serving our country. Holding our loved ones in our memories is always accompanied with grief. Grief is a tricky thing. Sometimes it sneaks up on us. Other times it hits us like a tidal wave. Drowning us with the flood of memories. Over the past 2 years, I had to say goodbye to 4 of my cats. One of them being my Soul Cat. Another was one of our oldest, original cats. Saying goodbye is always difficult and carries a tremendous amount of grief. Sometimes remembering is equally as difficult with the same amount of grief, if not more.

Remembering Through the Grief

Google Photos is both a friend and foe. Sometimes, my photo memories bring smiles and laughter. Other times, tears and grief. I never know what emotions will be brought to the surface. The other day, a cute video of Franklin playing fetch popped up. With it brought smiles and laughter, as well as tears and sadness. Franklin was one of our oldest and original cats. One of the 2 kittens that my husband and I got as a couple. He was truly one of the sweetest cats. Definitely more of a lover than a fighter. Seeing that video, that I had honestly forgotten about, brought back so many memories of my sweet guy. A sweet little memorial for my sweet Franklin.

Losing my Monti Boi, my Soul Cat, two years ago was possibly the hardest loss that I have ever experienced. I had a month from the time he was diagnosed with severe kidney disease to the day I helped him cross over. That was the hardest month of my life. I had to get in as much Monti love as possible while working tirelessly to keep him healthy and alive. We had so many beautiful moments together. Times that I hold dear to my heart. And to be honest with you, I am still not over grieving his passing. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. And that is ok. It is my grief to deal with the way I need to deal with it. I know that Monti had a purpose in this life, and I will honor that purpose. It just may be with some tears.

My Soul Cat, Monti Boi

A Memorial to Remember

Anytime a picture or video pops up of one of my passed babies, I always save them to my favorites. I have started to create albums for each of them. I want the ability to go straight to the Panda, Franklin, Prudence or Monti album whenever I am missing them. The grief of losing one of our cats is difficult at times. We think we are ok and then, BAM! Being allowed to work through our grief on our own terms is important. Setting up memorials or ways to remember our babies is one way to work through the grief. Having a way to remember the smiles and laughter, help to ease the pain and tears.

“The memories and paw print of a beloved cat remains in our heart and soul forever.” – Unknown

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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