“I am doing the best I can” has become my new mantra. School started back this past week and it has been a struggle. Schedules had to be adjusted. Routines were altered. We are all feeling the stress. My time at home is a lot less than it was during the summer, which has been a big adjustment to the cats, especially the Gremlin Kittens. They are a little more needy and affectionate in the mornings. Following me around as I get ready for school. Emmet has realized that he needs to eat when I first offer it to him because I am not going to be around in a couple of hours to offer it again.
Evenings go even faster. I have, roughly, a 5-hour window to do cat things, home things, and DFE things. I find myself getting stressed about all that needs to be done and how little time I have to do them. And, although I know that this is the worst thing to do for anyone involved, I still get that way. I am reminding myself to breathe and do what I can, when I can. But I still feel bad that I am not able to do for and spend as much time with my babies as I have these past couple of months. The other night, as I was getting ready for bed feeling overwhelmed, I looked in the mirror and said to myself, “I am doing the best I can!” It actually helped. I was finally able to turn off my brain and sleep that night. So, it has become my new mantra.
Do What You Can, When You Can
With 19 cats, it takes a good part of the day to just do the necessities, like feeding and scooping litter boxes. Add in playtime and self-confidence boosting sessions (which I have been doing with Bodie and Emmet to help their emotional issues), along with playing with, training and socializing Lily and Cactus, time runs out quickly. And that doesn’t even include the other 2 groups of cats or the chores around the house or even, the keeping up with my website and social media. It can be very overwhelming.

Routine is key in accomplishing all that I need to on a daily basis. I know when I need to do things and how long it takes. Because of my routine, I will be able to adapt fairly easy to being back at school. Just a few months ago, I was completing everything with ease. It is amazing how just a couple of months can get you off of your routine and on the “struggle bus”. I will do what I can, when I can until I get adjusted again. Playtime may get cut a little short, but it will be ok. My babies will not suffer too much if they don’t get a full 15 minutes of uninterrupted playtime. I am doing the best I can and that makes all the difference.
Just Breathe
It will take me a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things. And I am sure that I will have many more moments of feeling overwhelmed. I coach Academic Competition teams at school, as well as, helping with Homecoming this year. Both of those will add some time commitments. I have signed up for a Cat Chakra Course with Julie-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats, as well as a Muscle Testing Workshop with Pam Roussell from Purrrfectly Holistic. More time commitments. However, Homecoming is in October. The Cat Chakra Course will be completed by October. And the Muscle Testing Workshop is only 1 day. Not too bad. I am going to start volunteer blogging for Mission Meow. Very excited about that.
So, maybe, it will take me more than a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things, but I will get there. I will be able to accomplish everything as long as I remember to breathe. Any issues that may pop up are just temporary. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and will all work out. I just need to remember that when I feel myself getting stressed. Take a step back and say, ” I am doing the best I can.” Because I am. And that is all that matters.

“Cats never listen. They’re dependable that way; when Rome burned, the emperor’s cats still expected to be fed on time.” – Seanan McGuire (1978)