Coco Crazy Cat Toys

Coco Crazy Cat Pack & Kitty Crack-Nip Spray.

If you are like me, your cats probably have more toys than they can play with. However, I am always looking out for ways that I can help provide my cats with mental stimulation. But I want their toys to be safe for them. Ask and you shall receive. The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies teamed up with the amazing duo behind CocoTherapy to create a line of organic, handmade cat toys. Of course, I, instantly, placed my order. These toys have been driving my cats, especially The Gremlin Kittens, coco crazy since I ordered them. I purchased the Coco Crazy Cat Pack which had 5 toys in it. Let’s check them out.

Coco Curly Rolls

The Coco Curly Rolls are just like those plastic springy toys that my cats love. These, however, are safer for my babies to play with. I have heard horror stories of cats getting those springs stuck in their mouths and around their teeth. Luckily, that has not happened to my babies. With the Coco Curly Rolls, not only do you not have to worry about that, but you also get the peace of mind that this toy is made from organic coconut shell. Completely non-toxic with no dyes or chemicals. This is one of Lily’s favorite toys. She snatched it as soon as I tossed it and is very unwilling to share it with the others.

Linked Fur Infinity

Zazzles is ready to bond over the Linked Fur Infinity.

This is a cute toy made of 2 dangling rings of coconut shells linked together. Symbolizing the bond that we have with our cats in a fun way. I am able to engage my cats to play by dangling it and then tossing it across the floor for them to chase after. They, then, proceed to spend the next couple of hours swatting it around here, there and everywhere. I have had to retrieve it from under furniture numerous times. At this point, the Linked Fur Infinity is missing. The cats have either batted it under something or someone has hidden it from the others. Once I find it again, it will once again become a fan favorite.

Spunky Spider Balls

The anticipation.

These are my favorite! My cats love those plastic balls with the jingle bells inside. These are the same but better for your cats. They are made from all-natural rattan and coconut shells that look like little spider legs. This ball absolutely drove my cats coco crazy! The jingle bell is not too loud that will annoy you as your cats play with it. A quick little jingle to catch their attention, then a toss and my babies are trampling each other to be the one to get the ball. Lily and Cactus had numerous fights over this toy. Guess we will be ordering more of them.

Wiggle Worm

Wiggle Worm getting stalked.

The Wiggle Worm toy is another favorite of my cats, especially Lily. She is obsessed with this toy. She will literally spend hours swatting and chasing this toy around the living room. Sometimes, she gets going so crazy with it that she bangs into furniture chasing it. I have to check on her. There is just something about the coconut shells that are literally driving my cats coco crazy.

Coco Cat Cobra

Last, but not least, is Coco Cat Cobra. This is my favorite. Very much like a wand toy, but it is easier to manage than some wand toys. I love that it is long enough for me to be able to drag it behind me so the cats can chase it. Wiggling it across the floor is enough to get all of the cats running to attack it. It has provided me and my cats hours of bonding time. They absolutely love when Mom plays with them and their favorite toys.

Kitty Crack-Nip Spray

Of course, what cat does not want some catnip spray added to their toys. Well, maybe there are some cats who don’t care for catnip. But not mine. Mine go bonkers for catnip. Especially GOOD catnip. Kitty Crack-Nip Spray is organic and the purrfect way to get you cats interested in their toys. This spray has helped to breathe “new life” into long forgotten toys. I have also sprayed it on cat posts to help them use them instead of the furniture. It works amazingly.

Play Safe, My Friends

Cats are crazy for Coco Crazy Cat Toys!

I hope that you will check out these fun new Coco Crazy Cat Toys from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies and CocoTherapy. I have no doubt whatsoever that your cats will fall in love with them as much as mine have. And it is so reassuring to me to know that these toys are completely safe for my cats. All of the ingredients are all-natural and organic, chemical, pesticides and toxin free, as well as handmade. That is hard to find these days. You can order the Coco Crazy Cat Pack to see which toy with get your cat going Coco Crazy. Or you can buy them separately. Either way, get some today and let’s all go Coco Crazy!

“A kitten is the delight of a household. All day long a comedy is played out by an incomparable actor.” –Champfleury

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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1 Comment

  1. […] cats will provide them with their needed stimulation, but also help strengthen their bond with you. Coco Crazy Cat Toys from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies and CocoTherapy are the perfect toys for your cats and their New […]

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