For many years, I have been studying about chakras, the energetic checkpoints in our body that energy flows through. Through readings, trainings and workshops, I understand that our chakras can become blocked, thus preventing the flow of the energy. Most of the time, when chakras are blocked, we can see health issues come into play. There are also “old wives’ sayings” that deal with the chakras. A favorite of my grandmother was if your throat hurts then it is because you are not saying something that needs to be said. All of this makes absolute, perfect sense to me. If we are made of energy and our energy checkpoints are blocked, then we will feel that on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Our cats are also made of energy and have cat chakras.
What I just realized, about a year ago, is that our cats have chakras as well. Why I never made the connection before, I do not know. But it clicked for me on so many different levels. Our cats are such energetic and sentient beings, that a blocked chakra may be felt more deeply by them. An overactive or underactive chakra can cause a whole host of issues, from UTIs to asthma to heart issues to aggression and so much more. This was a game changer for me. I needed to know more about cat chakras. What I could do to ensure that my cat’s chakras were balanced.
Cat Chakra Chats
Enter Julie-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats. I have learned so much from Julie-Anne over the few months. Herb gardens are a staple in this house. My cats get to utilize self-selection to decide which herbs they need. I have taken her Color Therapy workshop and have been using what I have learned to help promote health and happiness in my cats. And now, I can add chakras to that list.
Over the past 5 weeks, Julie-Anne has been covering one of the 7 chakras in her live Cat Chakra Chats on her Instagram page. So far, we have covered the Root, Sacral, Solar-Plexus, Heart and Throat. We will finish over the next 2 weeks with the Brow (or Third Eye) and Crown. It has been absolutely amazing to learn about the chakras in our cats. How they can become blocked and what you can do to help them. I have also learned that our cats mirror our emotions. They are our greatest teachers. If your normally quiet cat starts meowing loudly, you might think his Throat Chakra is blocked, when in actuality, it is your own Throat Chakra blocked. They pick up on our energy deeply and it can affect them.

Bodie’s aggression is not because he is a bully. But more than likely because his Heart Chakra is blocked due to feeling insecure in his surroundings. He now has green fabric that I have also placed a calming herb garden on (also from Naturally Cats). Franklin, who is not a very vocal cat, has had moments of loud, persistent meowing, accompanied with some overgrooming. This may be a sign that his Throat Chakra is blocked and needs some energy work. Absolutely fascinating to me! The other week, Bodie was having some constipation issues due to a certain protein that was not agreeing with him. Some pumpkin to help move things along, as well as giving him a yellow fabric with some marshmallow root. He went right to it. The next day, things were moving better.

Another Tool in My Toolbelt
Now, understanding and balancing chakras and using herb gardens and color therapy are not in any way meant to replace a vet visit if needed. No, these are just another tool to add to your toolbelt in an effort to keep your cats happy and healthy. Regular vet visits, a good, species appropriate diet and daily enrichment are all necessary to keep your cat healthy physically and mentally. But chakras and herb gardens and color therapy are an excellent way to keep your cat healthy spiritually and emotionally. If any of this interest you, I highly suggest checking out Naturally Cats. You can find the past live recordings of Cat Chakra Chats on her IG page. Her website and blogs are full of information for you to peruse. She also offers Chakra Cleansing if you want her to balance your cat’s chakras. Let’s get our cats balanced!

“Sometimes cats can teach you more about humanity than humans.”~Robert Byrne

[…] have been attending Julie-Anne’s weekly Cat Chakra Chats for the past few weeks. We have covered 5 of the 7 chakras and I have learned so very much. At the […]
[…] with Homecoming this year. Both of those will add some time commitments. I have signed up for a Cat Chakra Course with Julie-Anne Thorne from Naturally Cats, as well as a Muscle Testing Workshop with Pam […]