This month marks my year anniversary of being The Dedicated Feline Enthusiast. And, it has definitely been a year. One full of ups and downs. A few months after gaining The Gremlin Kittens, we rapidly experienced the loss of 3 of our babies, Prudence, Panda and Franklin, one after the next. Add to that, the illnesses of Zazzles and Emmet and it has been a rough year. On the flip side, this past year brought about a lot of good and some amazing milestones as The DFE.
Forever Learning
As a teacher, I have an innate drive to always learn. And, oh, how I have learned this year. When I started this journey, my goal was to share my experiences as a Cat Mom. With a clowder of 18 (at the moment), I had lots of experiences to share. I knew that I wanted to share my passion for keeping my babies happy and healthy with others. A lot of my lessons were learned the hard way and if I could help one kitty and their human not have to go through unnecessary suffering, my job was done.

So, my persistent desire to learn more ways to improve the quality of life for my cats increased. For now, not only was I dedicated to my cats, but all of your babies as well. I wanted to give you as many resources and tools as possible. It has been my goal to write about topics that are important for us, as caregivers, to know and learn about. Such as raw feeding, supplements, herb gardens, color therapy, gut health, muscle testing and so much more. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know.
Here’s to Another Year
There is so much more that I want to do and achieve as The Dedicated Feline Enthusiast. I have some big goals for this next year. Lots of fun things on the horizon. Through it all, I will continue to learn and grow, taking you along for the ride. My 1st big learning opportunity of 2023 will be the Holistic Cat Conference at the end of this month from Naturally Cats. This is my 2nd year attending the weekend long conference that promises to be educational and fun. The DFE has some fun things planned for this upcoming year as well. Be on the lookout for an online giveaway of The Ultimate DFE Basket full of products and gift certificates to the sources that I love and recommend.

“I’m not sure why I like cats so much. I mean, they’re really cute obviously. They are both wild and domestic at the same time.” – Michael Showalter