For over 5 years, I have been actively involved in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). I have witnessed personally what one unspayed female cat can do …
My First CatCon
This past weekend, I flew to Pasadena, California to attend my first CatCon and it was epic! I was not fully prepared for what I …
Using Hydrosols With Your Cats
What is a hydrosol and how can it benefit your cat? A hydrosol is the water part of the distillation of essential oils. Because hydrosols …
Do You Play With Your Cat?
People often think that cats are easy to care for. Easier than dogs. However, that is not necessarily the case. Cats are very complex individuals. …
Moon Mojo Feline
Since my early twenties, the “woo woo” has been a part of my life. Wearing crystals and placing them around my house. Drinking peppermint tea …
Zoopharmacognosy – The Study of Self-Selection
What is Zoopharmacognosy? Simply put, Zoopharmacognosy is the study of self-selection in animals. Animals living in the wild will self-select and self-medicate from the plant …
Why Are My Cat’s Whiskers Turning White?
One day, I noticed that Zazzles had a whisker that was turning white. I thought it was cute and didn’t think much more about it. …
3 Easy Ways To Use Crystals With Your Cats
Over the past few months, I have been using crystals with my cats. We have been great results and it has been really fascinating to …
Did Monti Send Lily to Me?
Did Monti send Lily to me? That is a question that I have been mulling over for a few weeks now. Actually, since she was …
Releasing the Guilt
Facebook memories are sometimes very bittersweet. Most of the time, it reminds me of very happy times, like birthday parties and vacations or funny moments …