What is Zoopharmacognosy? Simply put, Zoopharmacognosy is the study of self-selection in animals. Animals living in the wild will self-select and self-medicate from the plant …
3 Easy Ways To Use Crystals With Your Cats
Over the past few months, I have been using crystals with my cats. We have been great results and it has been really fascinating to …
The Two (Not-So) Crazy Cat Ladies
If you are a cat guardian, chances are you have heard of The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. If you have not heard of them, you are seriously doing yourself, …
Do Cats Get Jealous?
That is a great question. Do cats get jealous? The answer really depends on who you ask. Some say absolutely not. That jealousy is a …
I Am Going To CATCON!!
So, I am sure it is not surprising to most of you that I am going to CatCon this year. A 2-day cat-centric event is …
Cats Bring Me Joy
Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about my purpose. Just last week, I wrote about being driven by my inspiration …
Using Crystals with My Cats
For decades, I have been utilizing crystals in my daily life. I wear crystals daily. There are crystals placed around my house. Crystals in my …
Driven By My Inspiration and Passion
When I was a senior in high school, years ago, we had to provide a quote for our senior picture in the yearbook. I chose …
Celebrate the Small Wins with My Cats
I am realizing that I place too much emphasis on the “couldas”, “shouldas”, and “wouldas” when it comes to my cats. Actually, now that I …
My Woo Woo Tool Kit
I have always believed in the power of the woo woo. You know, herbs and crystals and meditation and such. If you have been following …