Earlier this year, the Universe put me in the path of an amazing lady named Sylvie Sterling. As a Cat Whisperer and Ascension Coach, among other things, Sylvie has made a huge impact in my life, as well as my cats. It was through her that I was able to confirm my new path and created Moon Mojo Feline. With her guidance, I have been able to identify my cat’s archetypes and their purpose in my life. That knowledge has helped me to work through tensions among them. Identifying their archetypes has also helped me learn my own purpose in life.
Lily Brings Me Joy
Through her free e-book download, Your Cat’s Archetype, I learned that I am lucky enough to have two Joybringers in my life, Lily and Emmet. And boy do they bring me joy. Especially Lily. She is the happiest little cat I have ever had. She has the cutest little meow that changes depending on what she wants. All of the other cats absolutely adore her. She is everyone’s bestie. She somehow knows exactly when I need to smile or laugh and is there ready to provide. You can almost feel the joy and happiness radiating off of her.

One of Lily’s specialties is “appearing” in random places. Walking out of the laundry room after tending to litterboxes, I will notice Lily on top of the refrigerator waiting for me to boop her nose. As I am completing the bedtime ritual, Lily will appear on the counter. She will meow at me wanting a few scritches. In the mornings, she will sit on the bathroom counter watching me as I get ready for work and giving me lots of slow blinks to show she loves me. Sometimes, and especially when I am stressed or frazzled, Lily will “appear”. Walk into the bathroom and there she is. Going to sit down after a long day and there she is. Always where she needs to be to remind me take a moment to smile and remember joy.
A Joybringer
Since Lily has come into my life, I have wondered if she was sent to me. I had been dealing with an underlying sense of sadness for a couple of years since my Monti Boi crossed the Rainbow Bridge. This past year with Lily has definitely helped to lift that sadness. It is almost impossible to feel sad or depressed when her sweet little face is staring at you. Watching her cute little ways of getting the other cats to play with her always brings a smile to my face. Seeing the love for my in her eyes removes the stress of the day. I am so happy that I was able to discover Lily’s archetype and help her serve her purpose by bringing me joy, especially when I need it the most.

“Just watching my cats can make me happy.” – Paula Cole

[…] a level of extreme happiness that causes her to drool brings me immense joy. She is one of my Joybringers. Always managing to put a smile on my face no matter what I am dealing with. I absolutely love the […]