Cancer will affect 30-40% of all cats. With numbers like this, as well as the number of cats that I have, it would make sense that eventually I would have a cat diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, that time has come. And even sadder, it is poor Emmet. My handsome panther is only 4 years old, and he has had health issues most of his life. Some days he does great, while others he struggles. Every day is a challenge to ensure that he gets his supplements and eats right. Emmet’s cancer diagnosis definitely came as a shock, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him as healthy as possible.
Potential FIP Diagnosis
When Emmet was just over a year old, he became really sick. He stopped eating, became lethargic and had a very high fever. Blood tests showed that he could, potentially, have FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). This was not surprising because just a few months earlier, one of his siblings passed away due to FIP. This was right around the time that a cure for FIP was discovered. However, you could not get it from your vet, and it was very expensive. The decision was made to put Emmet on steroids and see what happens.

Over the next couple of years, we were able to maintain Emmet’s health with the lowest dosage of prednisone possible. I wouldn’t say he was thriving, but he was doing very well. After losing my beloved Monti in August of 2021 to kidney disease, I transitioned the cats to a species appropriate raw diet and started giving them daily supplements from The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. Emmet went right to the raw food without any transitioning needed. He started to thrive on his new diet and added supplements. So much so that his blood tests 6 months later were the best they had ever been. He clearly did not have FIP, and we were able to start to wean him off the steroids. It was amazing. He was so happy, healthy and playful.
A Huge Backslide
Then, this past April, I came down with Covid. It was a tough week. The cat’s normal routines were completely thrown off and it affected them greatly. Added to that, we had some cat drama happening due to moving Prudence upstairs after her recent diagnosis of kidney disease/stomach cancer/FIP. Emmet seemed to be affected the most. Just as quick as he took to his raw diet, he refused to eat raw even quicker. He was still eating freeze dried raw but wanted Fancy Feast wet food instead of frozen raw.
At first, I thought it was just the stress of everything that was happening. Bodie was not happy about Prudence being around and he was taking it out on Emmet. Stress can have a huge effect on cats. I truly believed that Emmet was just showing the symptoms of stress, but I did take him to the vet just to be sure. Blood tests showed that he did have an infection and he was put on antibiotics. Shortly after, his appetite improved. He was still on edge, but at least he was eating well again.

Then, last month, just 3 months since his last vet appointment, he really declined in his eating habits. Still eating his freeze dried and Fancy Feast, but just picking at it like a bird. He wasn’t playing or really coming out of the bedroom. Another trip to the vet gave us some devastating news. The vet felt a mass in his GI tract. An ultrasound was scheduled. It confirmed the mass. He will need to have a biopsy done to determine exactly what we are dealing with. I am devastated.
Won’t Back Down

I know that Emmet and I have a long road ahead of us. And I know that it won’t be easy. But I am prepared for it. At least I hope I am. I am armed with so many resources at my disposal, that I feel blessed and confident that whatever the biopsy shows, I will be able to handle it. Between amazing holistic approaches from Dr. Katie Woodley and Dr. Judy Morgan, as well as, traditional treatments, Emmet will see his way through this just like he did FIP. And that is exactly what I am believing and putting out into the Universe.
“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” – Jules Verne

[…] my articles (Thank You!), you have read about Emmet’s story and his potential FIP story. In Emmet’s Cancer Diagnosis, I wrote about the ups and downs we have had this year, mainly the past few months. When I started […]