Energy Healing

Bodie using crystal energy.

Now the topic of energy healing may not be for everyone. Some may say that there is no way you can heal just through the transfer of energy. And that is ok. This article will resonate with those who are meant to read it. It is for those who would like to know more about energy healing and how this modality can work wonders with your cats. I have, personally, witnessed just how powerful energy healing can be. I have seen it work with Emmet and his GI mass. Using different modalities of energy healing, I have witnessed a major shift in the tensions between Bodie, Hemingway, and Zazzles. The results have been so amazing that I am currently enrolled in a 6-month Holistic Cat Practioner course with Sylvie Sterling where I am learning how this modality works and applying the practice to my cats.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing has been around for centuries. It has a deep root in Traditional Chinese Medicine where the belief is that we are all made up of energy that flows through our bodies. Using energy healing, one can offer support to the body and allow it to restore balance and improve health. There are different types of energy healing. Reiki, acupuncture, sound healing, reflexology, chakra healing, and crystal healing are just a few.

Emmet has benefited greatly from energy healing.
Sloopy & Hemingway attending my Holistic Cat Practioner class.

If we understand how energy flows through the body, then it makes absolute sense how energy healing works. What’s great about using energy healing with our cats is that they are very receptive to this type of healing. Our cats are highly energetic beings. They are able to pick up on energy around them. Our cats will absorb our own negative energies and help to transmute that energy. Working with your cats to help them remove any residual negative energy will help to keep them happy and healthy.

Not For Everyone

As I said earlier, this topic may not be for everyone. And that is ok. Belief and intention are key components in energy healing. Although you can offer energy healing without even realizing it. Every time you pet your cat, you are shifting their energy. If you have a sick cat and you are lovingly petting them, you are offering them energy healing. We all have the ability to offer this type of healing. What makes energy healing so powerful is our intention and the belief behind our offer.

Weekly classes with Sylvie Sterling.
Zazzles helping me learn about energy healing.

If you have any doubts about energy healing or, if you don’t believe in this modality at all, that doesn’t mean that energy doesn’t transfer. Energy transfer and healing works whether you believe in it or not. That is just the way energy works. It doesn’t care whether you believe in it. Actually focusing on areas that have energy blockages and working on those areas makes the healing more powerful and effective. And that is simply amazing to me. As I have worked with Emmet and his GI mass and heart condition, I can feel the areas that are hot, showing where energy is blocked. I can use that information to focus the healing energy to those areas. Amazingly, after a session, those areas feel a lot cooler.

“Whole”listic Approach

Energy healing is not meant to replace traditional veterinary care for your cats. It is meant to work in conjunction with the traditional vet care. In Emmet’s case, we knew that we needed to get him off steroids for his GI mass in order to help improve his heart condition. I knew that I wanted to get him off any kind of medication. So, I started using many different energy healing modalities with him. We used crystal healing, chakra balancing, sound healing, and Reiki and I set the intention that everything was working for his highest good. It was no surprise that his most recent ultrasound showed no more mass. That is how a holistic approach to vet care works. There will be more articles in the future as I get further into my training. Until then, feel free to message me with any questions you might have.

Lily watching over me.

“I do believe cats to be spirits come to earth.” – Jules Verne

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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