Most people sat that cats are easier than dogs. I tend to disagree with that belief. I guess in some ways it may be easier to have a cat being that you don’t have to take a cat outside to use the bathroom in cold or rainy weather. Although, you may not need to walk or run your cat like you would a dog, you still need to provide enrichment for your cat. Cats need to be stimulated physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Cats that receive enrichment and stimulation are happier and healthier cats.
My cats have more toys that they can play with. They have balls and mice and catnip stuffed animals. You name it, we probably have it. We have more wand toys than an octopus could hold at one time. However, all of these toys really don’t mean much if I don’t engage them in play. Yes, cats are really good at entertaining themselves. I will find toys in places that they were not the night before. But actually tossing the toys for them to chase and play with increases their enrichment.

Taking 10 – 15 minutes a day to actually play with your cat will not only help to stimulate and enrich them, it will also improve your bond with them. Being an active participant on the other side of that wand toy will increase their physical stimulation. Not only will actively playing with your cat help keep them happy and healthy, it will also improve your mood. There are few things more entertaining than watching a cat chase after a wand toy.
Sensory Stimulation
I am very grateful and blessed to have an amazing screen porch that my cats can safely hang out in. This area also provides them with lots of stimulation and enrichment. Because we live in the woods, we have lots of wildlife for them to watch and “stalk”. Birds and squirrels abound to observe and chatter at. The occasional bugs and spiders for them to chase and swat. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature provides them with all kinds of stimulation and enrichment.

However, if you do not have the ability to safely allow your cat to enjoy all that nature can provide, then you can bring nature indoors for them. Creating them a sensory garden is a simple and easy, but effective way to provide enrichment for your cat. Just get a low sided box and add some nature. Gather some rocks, leaves, dirt and maybe a few sticks. All of these are going to provide your cat with stimulation. The smells alone will give them so much entertainment. Pawing at the leaves and dirt will give them a chance to connect with the earth. A sensory garden, or even an herb garden, is a great way to provide enrichment for your cat.
Sky’s the Limit
If you have a cat, I am sure that you have at least one cat tree. Cat trees are synonymous with cats. They go together like peas and carrots. I have 6 cat trees upstairs. We also have 4 other pieces of cat furniture. Cat trees provide a necessary component for your cat’s health and happiness. It gives them their own place. Provides them with the height that most cats seek. Most cat trees have scratching areas that are important for a cat. Being able to scratch provides stimulation and enrichment.

Because I am always looking for ways to improve my cat’s lives, I am thinking my next step is beyond the basic cat tree. I am looking into ways to provide them with a Cat Super Highway. This is the next level cat enrichment. A Cat Super Highway is a set of shelves, ramps, and such that run along a wall in your house. You can go as big or small as you want or can. Being able to get up high and observe their kingdom would bring so much stimulation and enrichment to my cats. Having to climb will help to keep them in top physical shape. I haven’t made the leap yet, but it is high on my list of must haves.
Simple Makes the Biggest Impact
Some of the best ways to provide enrichment for your cat are very simple and easy. All it takes is a little effort on your part. When you provide for your cat’s physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, you will notice how happier and healthier they will be. Not only will they be getting the enrichment that they crave, but they also get to spend some quality time with you, their favorite human. And that right there will probably be all your cat needs to be purringly happy. Take a moment and think about how you can provide some enrichment for your cat. They will thank you with lots of purrs and biscuits.

‘When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not more of a pastime to her than she is to me?’ – Michel de Montaigne