Kill the Fleas, Not Your Cat – Safe Flea Prevention

For pet owners, summertime is synonymous with flea and tick prevention. This is a very concerning problem for pet owners, especially if you have dogs that go in and out. For us that have indoor only cats, the problem may not be as great. However, we can bring in fleas on our clothing. And we all know just how rapidly the flea infestation can get out of control. I absolutely refuse to put anything chemical on my cats. If I wouldn’t put it on myself, why the heck would I put it on my babies who are more sensitive to these harsh chemicals. To clarify, I want something that is natural and safe for me and my babies. And one that works.

Panda is flea and tick free.

No Chemicals

Before I tell you about the natural products and ways you can control ticks and fleas, I want to tell you why you should stay away from chemical preventions. The chemicals in these products are very harsh and have the potential to cause severe adverse reactions in your pets. Seizures, organ damage, personality changes, wobbly and disorientation are just a few of these reactions. Sadly, some can be instant, while others can show themselves over time.

One of the main chemicals that has been gaining popularity over the past couple of years is Isoxazoline. This chemical has been under a lot of research regarding the side effects that it causes. Even the FDA has issued a warning to pet owners that products containing this chemical could have adverse side effects on your pet. Surprisingly, people are still using these products. Why? There are safer ways to control fleas and ticks. Ways that do actually work.

Sloopy’s thoughts on using chemicals on your cats.

Safer Ways

There are a lot of flea and tick preventions that are both safe and effective. As more people are leaning towards a more natural and holistic approach for themselves and the pets, more natural preventions are coming out. Products that actually work without the risk of harming your cat. Below are just a few of these products. A quick Google search will yield you so many other products and ways to help with fleas and ticks.

  • Flea-eX – The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies are big on all natural products that actually work. This is my number 1 go-to product for flea prevention. It is amazing how well this product works. Back in April, I found a tick on Panda, our outside cat. After removing the tick, I sprayed my hands with Flea-eX and rubbed him down. All over, including his head. As a result, he has not had any ticks or fleas since. The really cool thing about this product is that you can use it on yourself as well. Mosquitos LOVE me. Anytime that I am going to spend time outside, I spray myself with Flea-eX and the mosquitoes leave me alone. Amazing!!!
Flea-eX by Feline Essentials is completely safe for kittens.
  • Wondercide – If you do not know about Wondercide products, you are definitely missing out. Their products are safe and effective for you, your family, your pets and the environment. We have used the indoor and outdoor Insect Repellent. Because my husband is a tick magnet, he loves the Flea and Tick spray. All have worked tremendously, and I feel good about using a product that I know is safe for my cats to be around.
Bodie has no concerns about the ingredients in Wondercide products.
  • Diatomaceous Earth – This product is great for outdoors but can be used indoors on a flat surface. It is a natural rock formed by fossilized algae. You will find it in powder form that you sprinkle around. Be sure to get human grade Diatomaceous Earth. Do not apply this to your cat’s fur as it will dry out their skin. This flea prevention will kill the fleas.
  • Essential Oil and Herbs – There are plenty of essential oils and herbs that will naturally kill or keep fleas away from your cats. These are a little trickier to use safely if you are not familiar with oils and herbs for your cats. You can read about Herb Gardens for cats here. Citric Oil, like lemon oil, is great to kill fleas. Likewise, Lavender, Rosemary and Eucalyptus are great as flea repellants. Once again, if you are not familiar with the safe practices of oils and herbs with your cats, please do some research. A great resource is Naturally Cats. Julia-Anne Thorne has an amazing book, The Aromatic Cat, that will help you will the proper way to use oils and herbs with your cats. Never apply undiluted oils to your cat’s skin. Always buy oils and herbs from a reputable source. Don’t buy oils from the gas station down the street.
Emmet enjoys the scent of Lavender from Naturally Cats, but fleas do not.

Natural is Better

We all want to keep our babies safe from fleas and ticks. However, if you are like me, you want to do that safely. It makes absolutely no sense to me to give my cats a product that is known to have deadly side effects in order to prevent fleas and ticks. Hopefully, I have given you a few suggestions to safer alternatives to flea and tick prevention.

“Nature breaks through the eyes of a cat.” – Irish Proverb

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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