Five Element Theory – TCM

Nayana Morag – Essential Animals

We all know the five elements, earth, water, fire, wood and metal, that are at the center of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We, also, know that our bodies are made up of each of these elements. After attending this year’s Holistic Cat Conference hosted by Naturally Cats, I had another “a-ha” moment when Nayana Morag from Essential Animals did a session on the Five Element Theory of TCM. Our cats are made up of these five elements as well! Sometimes, it does take a bit for things to click with me. And now, I have another rabbit hole to go down, as well as another resource in my Cat Care Toolbelt.

What Exactly Is…?

So, what exactly is the Five Element Theory and how will this help my cat? Well, it is an ancient Chinese philosophy used to describe the interactions and relationships between, basically, everything in the Universe. Knowing which element is dominate in your cat can help in so many different areas, from food to disease to behaviors and personalities. It can help you diagnose where they may be imbalances, be it in mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Five Element Theory = TCM

Nayana”s session went quickly. I was intrigued with her knowledge and information. Instantly, I was able to match some of my cats to their dominate element. Sweet Hemingway is definitely a Water Element. Water Cats tend to run when in stress or frightened. Definitely Hemingway. He is constantly running and hiding since Zazzles has become a Resident Cat. Speaking of Zazzles, it seemed that he might be either a Wood or Fire Cat. Wood Cats tend to be playful and vocal. Yes, and yes. Fire Cats can be very needy. Definitely a word to describe Zazzles. Bodie has the qualities of both Earth and Metal Cats. He has the worry and anxiety of Earth Cats, but the over reactiveness of Metal Cats. So, how do I find out which one is their dominate element? Through Nayana’s 5 Element Animal Quiz.

Results Are In

I took the quiz for Bodie, Hemingway, and Zazzles. They are the three cats that are having the most difficulty coexisting peacefully. I was right on the money with Hemingway. He is most definitely a Water Cat. Zazzles is a Fire Cat with only 3 points away from being a Wood Cat. Makes sense to me. Bodie proved to be a Metal Cat, with his next closest element being a Water Cat. After reading the traits associated with Water Cats, I can see how he could be a Water Cat at certain times.

Ready with some hydrosols and The Aromatic Cat book!

So, now what to do with this information? Well, I am still going down the rabbit hole of information. I have purchased some hydrosols to offer them as a way of self-selecting and healing. Knowing their dominant element will allow me to choose herbs and essential oils that would benefit them. As I get more adept at understanding the Five Element Theory of TCM, I will be able to use that knowledge to choose the right proteins and supplements that would benefit them. Just another amazing resource for me to have at my disposal in my never-ending quest to provide my cats with the best possible life.

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” ― Jules Verne

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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