Going on a Vacation? Need a Petsitter?

Last week, we went to Disney with my sister and her family. Sounds fun, right? Well, it was, but the months leading up to the trip was nothing but anxiety for me. Why was that? Well, I haven’t been anywhere overnight in the past 2 years. The pandemic was a big reason but finding someone to care for 19 cats was the main reason. A lot of my friends who have 1 or 2 cats generally just leave food and water out and have someone come by to check on the cats. However, when you have 19 who all have different diets, feeding routines, supplements and medicines, having someone “pop in” is not going to work. Plus, we are currently dealing with some cat drama (you can read about the drama here), so the sitter would need to be receptive to the techniques that we are utilizing at the moment. I need someone who can stay at our house and can handle all the different needs of my cat. And that is where it can be tricky.

Bodie is unsure about the Minnie Mouse ears.

On the Hunt for an In-home Pet Sitter

In the past, when I would go on vacation, I reached out to family and friends. I have been lucky to find amazing pet sitters this way. Since the last time I went out of town, my clowder has increased and most of their diets have changed. No longer are the ways of opening a can of wet food and tossing down some dry food. Now, the majority of my cats are on a raw food diet, along with some freeze dried. All of my cats receive daily supplements and some take medications. I needed someone who would be able to handle all this responsibility.

I did ask around in my network, hoping that I might luck out and find a college student majoring in Veterinary Medicine. No such luck. I had to broaden my search. I checked out Rover. There were quite a few potentials. My sister actually found their pet sitter through Rover. This is definitely an option if you are needing a pet sitter. There are a lot of pet sitting websites online. I actually went a different route.

Because my cats are on a raw food diet, I frequent my local, all-natural pet supply store, All Pets Considered. I am in there at least once a week, sometimes more. I have become friendly with the employees. One day, while stocking up, I was chatting with them and just happened to mention that I was looking for a pet sitter that would stay at my house. The two employees working said that they both do pet sitting, as do most of the other employees at the store. After discussing dates and details, Hannah was on board to take on the task of caring for my clowder. If you are looking for a pet sitter that you know loves animals check out your local pet store. I bet you will find one there.

My Purrfect Pet Sitter

Hannah has been amazing. We set up a time for her to come by and meet everyone and talk about their different care routines. That first night, she stayed over 2 hours, hanging out with all of them and learning their names. Just letting them get use to her being in the house. The next week, she came by again. This time I had a 17-page binder of instructions and notes, complete with pictures of all the cats and their personalities and quirks. This may sound a little over the top, actually, it is a little over the top, however, I know that it would help me to have specific notes and instructions on what each cat eats and their care routines.

Hannah was thrilled with binder. Flipping through it, she felt confident that it was going to make everything easier for her. It has become second nature for me when it comes to my cats and their care routines. I know exactly what each cat eats, where and when. Grabbing their supplements is automatic for me now. However, it is A LOT for someone who doesn’t live it. Even my husband struggles if I don’t leave him instructions.

A Much-Needed Vacation

This vacation was definitely needed. Like I said earlier, it has been over 2 years since I have gone out of town. And as much as I absolutely LOVE my furbabies and missed them greatly, it was nice to get away from the constant care giving that has become my life. A break much-needed. A recharge of sorts. I was able to relax and enjoy my vacation knowing that my cats were being well cared for and that someone was staying at my house to monitor any issues that might come up. That was so very important to me. I am so very grateful for finding Hannah and, hopefully, will be able to continue to leave home and the care of my babies in her capable hands.

Hemingway wanted Mickey ears, not Minnie ears.

“Cats have it all – admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it.” – Rod McKuen

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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