It is Never Too Late

My new business

Back at the beginning of summer, I took a leap of faith and started my own business, Moon Mojo Feline. I went through a range of emotions as I was in the process of launching it. Fear, apprehension, self-doubt, worry. All of the usual self-sabotaging feelings. Was I crazy to be starting a business at my age? The answer to that is absolutely not! It is never too late to follow a dream or start a new adventure. It is never too late to go down a new path. It is never too late!

Words to Live By

“It is never too late” are words to live by. No matter what the situation is. Whether you are looking to start a new career or adventure or something else. It is never too late to start. This applies to our cats as well. It is never too late to start a more holistic approach to their care. No matter what stage of life they are in, you can always start to improve the quality of their lives.

This could come in the form of starting them on supplements or even better, transitioning them to a species appropriate raw food diet. Taking the step down a new path can be scary and challenging, but it will be worth it in the end. Knowing that you are taking the steps to improve the quality of your cat’s lives is worth any apprehension or fear that you might have.

Small Steps for Big Results

Remembering to take small steps when you are starting anything new is key to not becoming overwhelmed. This is especially true when it comes to starting a new routine with your cats. Cats are creatures of routine, and it is important to ease into changing their routine in any way. Start with one supplement, then add more over time.


Starting small is especially important when you are changing anything in their diet. Too much change too quick can have an adverse effect of their gut. This could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. When transitioning to a species appropriate raw diet, take into consideration what is your cat’s current diet. If they have been on a dry kibble diet, it would be best to transition them to a wet food diet first. If they have been eating wet food, then you can start adding some raw into their wet food. Starting small and increasing the amount over time will help to ensure success.

There is Always Time

Remember that it is never too late to start something new. It is never too late to pursue a new dream for yourself. It is definitely never too late to start providing a healthier lifestyle for your cats. Don’t let fear or apprehension hold you back. Follow your gut and intuition. They will never let you down no matter what. In the end, the only thing you will regret is not trying at all.

Razzle Zazzles

“Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want.” – Joseph Wood Krutch

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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