I truly believe in the power of manifestation. How thoughts become things. We have the power to make great things happen in our lives. If, we pay attention to our thoughts and energy. It is easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life and all that it entails. That mindset can create negativity in all areas of our lives, including our cats, manifesting sickness and such. However, if we just focus on the good things, we will start to see more of the good things come our way. This year, that is exactly what I am going to do. Putting all of my thoughts and energy into manifesting the best 2023 for me and my babies.
Goal Setting
I don’t necessarily believe in New Year’s Resolutions. There seems to be no room for error in a resolution. And let’s face it, we are human, and to err is to be human. Goals that I can build upon works better for me. Setting some small goals that I can accomplish and then expanding those goals as I go along allows me to feel a sense of accomplishment. The small things lead to big things. Setting smaller goals allows me to be realistic, as well.

Yes, I want to accomplish the bigger goals. However, realistically, some of those goals will take time. Accomplishing smaller goals that will, eventually, allow me to achieve my bigger goals will set me up for success. It will help to keep me in the mindset to keep manifesting all that I want in life. Keep me on the right path. I know that there will be setbacks, however, I also know that those setbacks will help me grow. And growing is vital in life.
Making Lists
I am a visual person. Lists are a personal favorite of mine. Before the New Year, I plan to sit down and list all of my goals for the year. Some goals will morph into other goals. And, to no surprise, most of my goals will revolve around or involve my cats. They are a huge part of my life. I wouldn’t be writing this blog without them. Of course, my biggest goal for this next year is to continue to keep them happy and healthy and living the VIP lifestyle that they have become accustomed to. Making my lists will help me to manifest my goals into fruition.

When making my lists and setting my goals, I need to remember to set personal goals for myself. Self-care is important and, unfortunately, something that I am not very good at. Between caring for my babies and writing, along with teaching full-time and all that entails, I tend to push my own needs to the backburner. I need to keep in mind that if I am not at my best, then I will not be any good to my cats. Setting a goal to practice yoga each day or to meditate each evening may not seem like something that will have an impact on my manifestations. However, putting those activities into practice will allow me to become more “Zen” allowing me to manifest other goals easier. See the pattern here.
Wishing You an Ameowzing Mew Year
I will keep you posted on how Manifesting the Best 2023 is coming along. There will be lots of material to write about when all the amazing things that I have planned start happening. The excitement that I already have is contagious. My cats can feel the energy shifting and are reacting accordingly by running amuck through the house. I believe that they know that some exciting things are getting ready to take place in their world. Some big changes that we (myself and the cats) are so very ready for. Stay tuned. Until then, I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year. May it bring you so many blessings and joys. Remember to think of the life you want, act like you already have that life and don’t be surprised when it happens.

“Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want.” – Joseph Wood Krutch