The past few weeks have been insanely busy and pretty stressful. School has been very busy. We were gearing up for Homecoming and all things that go with it, Homecoming Dance ticket sales, Spirit Week, Pep Rally, Homecoming Court, and finally, the Homecoming Dance. A very busy couple of weeks. Then, Hurricane Helene came through. Living among really tall trees does not make for a fun time with intense high winds. And finally, Feral Cat Assistance Program put on an extra spay/neuter clinic just two days after Helene came through. Through it all, I thought I was maintaining everything, including taking care of my cats and conducting my Soul Level Connection Sessions. Zazzles, however, knew better and definitely let me know that he was protecting my energy.
Subtle, Then Not So Subtle
Last Sunday, after dealing with Hurrican Helene and the extra spay/neuter clinic, I decided to sit down and do a couple of Soul Level Connection Sessions with of couple of my clients. I get prepared to go into meditation and call in the four cats that I plan to connect with. As I am going deeper into my meditation along with the cats that I am working with, Zazzles jumps up beside me and starts to meow at me. Very odd because Zazzles hardly ever joins me during meditation or sessions. Then, because I was ignoring him, he turned off my meditation app not one, but twice. Still ignoring him, Zazzles took it up a notch and he bit my hand. Not hard, but definitely enough to get my attention.

At this point, I could feel his anxiety rising, which was causing the four cats that I was working with to also start to become anxious. I quickly sent them healing, surrounded them in a bubble of white light, and sent them on their way. I then connected with Zazzles to find out exactly what was going on with him. Why was he being so determined to stop me from connecting with the cats that I needed to work with? Knowing that there is always a reason when your cats do something out of the ordinary. It is up to you to try to hear what they are telling you. And boy, did Zazzles have a message for me.
Can’t Pour From An Empty Jar
Zazzles informed me that as my Protector, his job was to protect my energy also. He said that I was definitely not in the right mindset to do any kind of energetic work. What I needed was to rest and recharge. He was very insistent on this and let it be known that he was going to make sure that I listened and complied with him. For the next two hours, Zazzles held my phone hostage and would scratch at me if I tried to grab it. It was quite surreal. Here was my cat physically forcing me to take a break. To practice some self-care.

Now, before becoming a Holistic Cat Practitioner and Intuitive Animal Communicator, if this would have happened, I would have gotten angry at Zazzles and pushed him away. Even though I knew how spent I was, I would have pushed through with my connections. Being able to communicate with Zazzles forced me to take a step back and realize that I would be no good to the poor cats that needed my help if I was not at my best. His purpose in my life is as my Protector and he takes that job very seriously. And for that I am extremely grateful.
Listen to your Cats
The next time your cat does something extreme or out of the ordinary, pay attention to them. What are they trying to tell you? Is there something they are trying to call your attention to? Look at the time and what is happening around you. I have worked with enough cats to know that if they do something extreme, they are trying to get your attention. Zazzles knew that he had to go to extremes to get me to listen to him. And that quick nip on the hand definitely got my attention.

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” – Hippolyte Taine