Ok, so I am going to dive into some more of my “woo woo” right now. I have been doing a lot of reading, researching, and learning about about cat’s purpose and the lessons they have for us. Through it all, I have learned about soul contracts and how that ties into their purpose and lessons. It has been absolutely fascinating to discover how issues that I might be dealing with my cats is connected to their purpose and the lessons they have for me which in turn is connected to their soul contract. Making this connection has provided me with so many a-ha moments. So, let’s talk about soul contracts.
What is a Soul Contract?
A Soul Contract is basically a contract between two souls that was made prior to this life experience. These contracts can include the lessons that need to be learned and how those lessons will come about. Be it through pain and suffering or through happiness and joy. The soul contract that we made with our cat was made to help us navigate through our current life on this plane. It is quite fascinating to actually think about.

Knowing that any painful experiences we may experience with our cats were meant to happen might actually help with the healing process. Might. I feel that no matter how much we are prepared when it comes to losing one of our beloved cats, it still is a pain that is almost unbearable. However, since learning and researching about soul contracts, looking back on all of the loss that I have suffered in the past few years, I am able to find some peace. A sense of hope that the crossing of my beloved cats had a purpose.
Lessons Learned
After learning about soul contracts, I thought back over the past few years to my cats that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I thought about where I was during that time and what was going on in my life. What was the lesson that not only their crossing, but their actual life, that I needed to learn. What was their purpose in my life? It was bittersweet thinking about my sweet babies. However, some revelations came to the surface for me.

Going back to 2021, with the crossing of my Soul Cat, Monti, I realized that he not only needed to come into my life, but also needed to leave it so soon because I learned some of my greatest lessons from him. Monti’s sickness led me to becoming certified in Animal Reiki. It was also his sickness that pushed me to transition my cats to a species appropriate raw food diet. It truly breaks my heart to think that Monti’s passing is part of the reason that I am on my current path. But it does ease the pain a bit to know that our life together with all of the pain, suffering, happiness and joy was planned out prior.
Still Learning
Learning about soul contracts has helped me deal with issues that are happening with my current cats. After learning about my cat’s archetypes from Sylvie Sterling, I have been able to realize their purpose in my life. What lessons did they have for me? How am I supposed to learn and grow from them being in my life at this point in time? The tensions between Bodie and Zazzles. Emmet’s mysterious health issues. The random appearance of Lily and Cactus when I certainly wasn’t looking to add 2 kittens to my clowder. All of have a purpose. A lesson.
I made a soul contract with each of my cats before this lifetime for a reason. Some I have started to figure out. Others I am still learning. All of my cats hold a special place in my heart, but now, I find myself looking at them with a sense of wonder and gratitude that we chose to be in each other’s life.

“Cats come into your house to teach you about affection, they leave to teach you about the loss.”~Jules Verne