Crazy Cat Lady Stigma

Just a “Crazy Cat Lady”

The term, “Crazy Cat Lady”, has been around for a long time. Throughout the years, the term has gone through many variations. The number of cats one needed to have in order to be deemed a “crazy cat lady” has changed as well. I remember when I was in single digits with just three cats and we found Bodie bringing our number to four, I was called “the crazy cat lady”. I can only imagine what I would be called now with 18 cats. More and more the crazy cat lady stigma is changing.

Crazy to care?

When I am called “the crazy cat lady”, I feel honored. I completely embrace the “crazy cat lady” lifestyle. Yes, I am crazy. Completely crazy about cats and providing the best possible care for the cats that are in my life. All of my cats have been rescued and are now living the VIP life. If I could, I would rescue as many cats as needed a safe and loving home. Unfortunately, I haven’t won the lottery yet.

Yes, I am a cat lady. No, I am not crazy.

There are a lot of cat influencers emerging on social media. All of them are helping to shatter the crazy cat lady stigma. Nathan the Cat Lady, Sterling “Trap King” Davis, Don’t Stop Meowing, Kitten Lady, Jackson Galaxy, and so many more are working diligently to erase any negative connotations associated with being a cat lover. As more and more people start to embrace the “crazy cat lady” ways and be open about the immense love and respect they have for their feline friends, the more the stigma will be shattered.

Proof is in the purr

Research is also helping eliminate the “crazy cat lady stigma. A few years ago, CNN posted an article citing research that those who love cats are not clinically crazy, depressed, or anxious. Us cat owners knew that all along. There are many benefits to owning a cat, or two, or six. Petting a cat can reduce stress and improve heart health. A cat’s purr is very therapeutic and healing. Watching our cats play, or even cat videos, brings a sense of joy and happiness, thus boosting our mental state.

Sloopy doesn’t think I am crazy.

I can testify to all of those. No matter what is going on in my life, I instantly feel a sense of calm and peace whenever one of my cats are purring on my lap. There is something very Zen about watching a cat sleep. Very tranquil and meditative. Cats remind us to be in the moment. To take time to play and pounce on opportunities. Be curious about life and all that it brings. And to hiss at those who cross us. Kidding. Maybe.

Dedicated Feline Enthusiast

When I was tossing around the idea of starting this blog, I wanted a name that was going to embody not only me but everything that I believe in. I decided on The Dedicated Feline Enthusiast because it is a “nicer” way of saying “Crazy Cat Lady”. Not crazy but dedicated. Most of the so-called “crazy” cat people that I have met are also very dedicated and passionate about their cats and they are amazing humans. That is what is so great about being a “crazy cat lady”, you are in the absolute best company with like-minded individuals. Those who “get” you and help you embrace your “craziness”. So, embrace that “Crazy Cat Lady” stigma. Wear that label proudly knowing that your level of compassion and caring is not crazy at all.

Dedicated, not crazy.

“Love and a cat are all that you need to stay happy.”~Jules Reynard

Slow Blinks, Lora Lee

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