We all know that stress can lower the immune system and cause sickness. It is very interesting as to how stress levels can impact health. There is actually a syndrome called Leasure Sickness where a person will develop symptoms of sickness, be it a cold, migraine, or something else, as they begin a vacation or extended time off. This is common with those who have a highly stressful job. Apparently, as the stress levels decrease it affects the immune system and prompts sickness symptoms. As a teacher, I am very familiar with this. I tend to get “sickly” at the beginning of longs breaks. However, stress can affect our cats even more. A happy cat equals healthy cat. So, how do you limit your cat’s stress levels to ensure that they are happy and healthy?
Happy & Healthy Enrichment
One of the best ways to keep you cat happy and healthy is to provide them with meaningful enrichment activities. A bored cat is definitely a stressed cat. Can you imagine how unhappy your life would be if you had nothing to do other than sleep, eat, and use the bathroom? I mean it might be great for a few days, but then you would start to get restless and depressed. Without engagement and enrichment, our cats lead a life of boredom. So, how can you ensure that your cat is getting meaningful enrichment. Well, the best way is to actually PLAY with them. Take 15 or 20 minutes out of your day and engage with your cat. Break out the wand toy and allow your cat to work on their hunting skills. Not only are you providing them with enrichment, but you are also strengthening your bond with your cat.
Another great way to provide enrichment is to bring nature to them. Place cat trees near windows allowing them access to Nature’s Cat TV. Open a window so they can get the smells and sounds of the outside. I am lucky to have a big screen porch where my cats spend most of their days lounging and watching all of the birds and squirrels. If you can’t allow them safe outside access, then bring nature inside. Create a Nature Sensory box. Take a cardboard box and fill it with leaves, rocks, sticks, grass, or nuts. Anything from the outside that will stimulate their senses. They will spend hours investigating each item you brought in for them.
Holistic Stress Relievers
An easy way to limit stress in your cat’s life is to provide them with natural ways to work through their stress. Offering them herbs, hydrosols, and crystals. So simple, but yet, so effective. Depending on what is causing the stress, herbs, hydrosols, and crystals can help your cat work through that stress before it causes any health issues. Cats have this amazing ability called self-selection that allows them to gravitate towards what they need and to interact with it in the way that they need. It is fascinating to watch. Some cats may ingest the herbs or hydrosols, other may just lie down beside them. Our cats are extremely intelligent and know exactly what they need to feel better.
Crystals are even easier to use. Place some crystals down and watch your cats gravitate to them. Be sure to use crystals that are big enough to not be swallowed. Cats are very in tune to crystal energy and their vibrational frequencies. I have been offering my cats their own crystal gardens to use however they need, and it has been amazing to watch them interact with the different crystals. You can learn a lot about what is going on with your cat by watching what herbs, hydrosols, and crystals they choose. A cat who drinks from the Frankincense hydrosol may be dealing with inflammation. One who chooses Lemon Balm may be dealing with stomach issues. Choosing Carnelian or Red Jasper may come from feelings of not being safe and secure in their environment. Simply fascinating.
Happy Cat Equals Healthy Cat
We all want our cats to be happy and healthy. Ensuring that they are happy goes a long way in establishing a healthy cat. Providing them with meaningful ways of enrichment is important to keeping them happy and healthy. Giving them access to nature and allowing them to experience all the sights, sounds, and smells that go with it will provide them with mental stimulation. Offering them nontraditional means to work through stress by using herbs, hydrosols, and crystals with them can give them control in working through their stress through self-selection. Whatever you choose to do, remembering that a happy cat equals healthy cat is the most important thing.
“Cats are a mysterious kind of folk.” ― Sir Walter Scott