So, here we are with another article about my most handsome mini panther, Emmet. Over the past couple of years, I have written numerous articles about Emmet and all of his health “challenges”. From his potential diagnosis of FIP to his GI mass and potential cancer and finally, to his latest heart challenge. However, I am really excited to write this article about Emmet! After recently having an ultrasound done on him, I am beyond happy to report that Emmet does not have a mass in his GI tract anymore! This article will be on how we went about healing Emmet’s GI mass.
Traditional Approach
Way back when we thought Emmet had FIP, we started him on prednisone to help reduce any kind of inflammation he had. For a few years, he was on varying dosages of the steroid. It has always been my goal to wean him off this drug. Long-term steroid use is hard on the organs. Unfortunately, when his mass was discovered in October 2022, we made the tough decision of keeping him on a very low dosage of steroids to help with the mass, especially being that it could not be removed.
Emmet always has crystals with him at the vet.
It was right at the same time of discovering his mass, that we also discovered that Emmet had a heart murmur. And of course, he did because Emmet is my greatest teacher, and his purpose is to teach me lessons and ways to help other cats in need. Anyways, I digress. After we discovered Emmet’s heart murmur, we knew that it was even more important for Emmet to stop taking prednisone. However, we needed something that would help his mass without causing any more harm to his heart.
Holistic Approach
Enter all of my woo woo. For over a year now, I have been using herbs, hydrosols, and crystals with my cats. It has been so fascinating to watch them use the practice of self-selection on what they need and how they need it. Through using herbs, hydrosols, and crystals I have seen my cats deal with tensions, anxiety, stress, and mild health issues. However, could they work their “magic” on Emmet’s mass? There was only one way to find out.
Emmet working with Chamomile.
Emmet lapping at some Frankincense hydrosol.
At the time that Emmet’s mass was discovered, I had been using herbs for over a year and had just started using hydrosols and crystals with my cats. I instantly looked into which herbs, hydrosols, and crystals that I needed to offer Emmet to help with this GI mass. The GI is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra. So, I started offering him Chamomile and Peppermint to help with his GI. I also offered him Frankincense to help with inflammation. He had access to all of my yellow crystals (yellow is the color associated with the Solar Plexus).
Energy Healing
Back when Monti was diagnosed with kidney disease, an amazing friend of mine came over a few times to do reiki and sound healing on him. I was completely fascinated with the results that I saw after his sessions with her. I decided to become certified in Reiki for Animals so I could continue offering Monti this amazing healing modality on a daily basis. At the time, we thought Emmet was dealing with FIP. I started offering him Reiki as well, in hopes that it would help with the potential FIP.
Emmet taking in the benefits of his herb garden.
Emmet working with multiple crystals.
As I have been learning more and evolving in my energy healing, I have been working on Emmet. Once again, because he was dealing with an issue in his GI Tract AND a heart issue, I knew I needed to put my focus on his GI Tract. I started working almost daily with Emmet, offering him healing, feeling for any particular areas that needed some energy released. Some days, he wasn’t really into a “hands- on” approach. Other days, he would literally roll over on his back and give me his belly to work on. The great thing about energy healing is that you don’t have to actually touch the cat. On the days that he was a little more standoffish, I was able to still send him some energy healing through my intention.
No More Mass
We did it!!! Our original intention for the ultrasound was to have a basis to be able to compare once we stopped the steroids. I was hopeful that the mass was going to be smaller and not concerning. Receiving the news that Emmet no longer has a mass in his GI Tract was beyond exciting. There is some scar tissue, but no mass. Absolutely amazing. So, yes, everything that I have been doing with Emmet over the past year worked. From my herbs, hydrosols, and crystals to color therapy and energy healing. All of it worked. The biggest component of all of this was my intention. Intention is everything and I set the intention that everything that I used with Emmet was working in its highest good for him. With the right intention coming from a place of love, you can achieve great things.
Emmet and Orange Calcite.
“Cats need not talk as their life is their message.” ~ Paula Poundstone